So I can be a dumbass. It happens.....I am human......YIKES! I was not hearing back from the Sg staff......and so I post something about it in the Sg group.....and Rigel answer my question right away. After thinking about it.....I realize when I wrote the staff I never put a subject line on my I figure they most... Read More
so by and by I wait to hear from the staff about my Pending set. I really doult I will hear anything because I have written the staff a few times, and as before they wrote me back now they do not. My membership ends tihs 20th, and I fear buying a year account because they can take down my profile at anytime. I love... Read More
tonight i'm going to play to a party for the debut of a book wrote by a friend of mine, about the suicide/murder chase of kurt.
we'll play "big long now" as cover
RebekahPaige said:
Why is it you try to find an issue with everything? Its an honest Question, and if you want to get me Zot for asking go right ahead. It seems like you bitch or ask uneeded questions more then you do try and help anyone. You say Manners makes... Read More
Where which way do I let my emotions take me?
Do I dive deeper into the wholly crap of humanity
Or do I take the bullshit this world tries to feed me
And force it down the throat of the nothingness
Should I crawl away
Or stand up and show you everything
Would you love the watch me fall
Would you wish me to punk... Read More
My buddy Michale Graves ( If your a misfits fan he was the lead singer) singing Dig up her bones. I just love tihs.......even if somebody "coughs" held the cam wrong lol. ( he only has 4 strings ha ha)
so I am a big supporter of wm3.
Hopefully going to see him on the 12 and got him on the mind
The Misfits with... Read More
yesterday I desided I wanted rockband (the game) and before leaving the house I think I should grap my cam..but then dont............but of course I should have.
We pull and park and when we get out we notice the car next to ours back end is all fucked the owner put a ban aid on it............this just gpt me rolling with laughter.......I can see... Read More