So...that time of year again...last blog of the year...
Achievements in 2010
- Qualified as personal trainer and started working as one and love it
- Made my pro wrestling debut and haven't looked back
- Ran a half marathon and wrestled a show the same day
- Swapped one awesome flat mate for another one (and the former is so happy living with her man friend
- Figured out soooo much about myself and I'm better for it
Enclosed is my favourite of everything of 2010
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Gigs of the Year
Jamie Cullum
Threat Signal
Albums of the Year The last 3 surprised me but I do love them
Lafaro - Lafaro
The Pretty Reckless Light Me Up
3oh!3 Streets of Gold
Plan B The Defamation of Strickland Banks
30 Seconds To Mars This Is War
Books of the Year I read quite a bit this year but not really any new releases
Skullduggery Pleasant: Dark Days
Skullduggery Pleasant: Mortal Coil
Movies of the Year
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Toy Story 3
Best TV in 2010
Songs of Anarchy
The Pacific
And in here are some photo highlights!
Plans for 2011
Firstly how did I do with last years plans?
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I didnt get down to 9 and a half stone but I didnt try
I ran a half marathon
I completed my personal trainer course and got a job as one!
I did eat at least one portion of fruit/veg every day!
I did not cook from scratch at least once a week
I did try and read a book a week on average but didnt quite manage it!
I watched more old movies but less new ones
I did see certain people more who I lost a little at times in 2009 but Im still working on that one!
And for 2011...
Wrestle in the US of A
Wrestle on 25 shows minimum
Run a successful personal training business
Clear off one credit card
Spend less time on social networking sites and more time with people in real life
Get my body fat down to 20%
Learn Spanish
Begin training to become an ultimate killing machine
I'm leaving SG in 2 weeks when my membership runs out. My years here have been fun and informative but its time to move on. I will miss the wrestling group and the weight loss group a lot! I will miss reading your blogs but I won't miss most of you cause we are in touch elsewhere we just both need to make a little more effort! 
I'm on twitter as rdpixie and you can follow my wrestling life on facebook (website coming soon!)
I hope 2011 brings you the strength to achieve the things that you want. Mucha love!