Watching wrestling at the cinema is awesome sauce!
Finally Matt has a title! Woooooo!
Anyways, more importantly, I started training!!!!
It was absolutely killer! We did circuit training first thing which nearly killed me but I managed to complete it! We learnt bumps and lock ups today and then off to the gym for a workout! Crazy! I ache all over but its awesome
Canada has got a bit colder now but I'm surviving!
Hope you guys are all having a good weekend!
PS. SGUK are doing this FAQ thingy at the moment so if there are questions about me that need answers please leave them below!

Finally Matt has a title! Woooooo!
Anyways, more importantly, I started training!!!!
It was absolutely killer! We did circuit training first thing which nearly killed me but I managed to complete it! We learnt bumps and lock ups today and then off to the gym for a workout! Crazy! I ache all over but its awesome

Canada has got a bit colder now but I'm surviving!
Hope you guys are all having a good weekend!
PS. SGUK are doing this FAQ thingy at the moment so if there are questions about me that need answers please leave them below!

Yeah, I don't know what's up this weekend on my end but keep me posted on plans and we shall see what falls into place.