Oh my I have been soo busy and my laptop dying means I haven't been on much. This will be a bit of a long one so if you can't be bothered know all is well and I'll try and be in touch with everyone soon!
So I've been up to bits and pieces here and there a few gigs, a few movies, lots of work and a few adventures!
Last month I went to Brussels for the first time and had all the excitement of the Eurostar! I love it - hop on a train and 2 hors later you are in a different country and you can play your DS the whole way - none of this take off and landing rubbish!
It was a really nice trip the architecture is amazing and the place is awesome as long as you avoid the EU bit which is boring and ugly! I ate a ridiculous amount of food including Belgian waffles, Belgian chocolate, rabbit and Belgian Lambic stews! Lush! I also ended up going to this awesome music venue called Magasin 4 which was amazing! First night I went was a metal night and there was one amazingly good band Psalm I've ordered their album so should be blasting out my hifi any day now! And the second night was a ska punk night and I spent the majority of the night dancing to Happening Leek who were so much fun and so energetic! I didn't know Brussels had a particularly good music scene but I endeavour to investigate further!
I came back and threw myself into work as I had my Team Manager assessment which was uber stressful and difficult. Fifteen of us went in for stage one and eight of us made it through to the second stage and only five to stage three. Then it came to crunch time but I passed! Woooo! I'm now in development so although I've had a promotion they won't actually pay me any more until I complete this development folder. Stupid!!! Oh well, at least I know its coming!
Then last weekend it was off to Edinburgh to meet up with some of you lot! After a 13 hour bus journey to get there, I was not disappointed! I had mucha fun catching up with those of haven't seen in a while and meeting a bunch of crazy new people too! It was good to find a real live independent comic store that was actually nice to visit and that Yorkie Porkie was lush! The club we ended up in was awesome too. Nice and dingy as I love my rock venues and they only played four songs I didn't know all night! Thankyou to mat8drb and TheQuestion who pretty much kept up the dancing with me all night!
Then it was off to Belfast for a few days to see everyone back home. I spent Sunday evening at a Marc Bolan tribute evening as it would have been his 60th birthday. It was entirely random but much fun. Monday was amazing! Spent the day with my bestest friend watching the first two episodes of the new season of Dexter (OMG sooooooo good!) and then we got merry on cocktails before going to see Gwen Stefani! Woooo! Absolutely brilliant! Sadly I didn't get the tour necklace I wanted and now they are going for 75 on Ebay! Yikes! But I don't care cause she was just fabulous!
This weekend I went to the Tattoo Convention which I have to say was wow! The convention is going from strength to strength each year. The calibre of artist there this year was phenomenal and it took me over 5 hours to get round everything! Sadly no new ink for me but I did get a fabulous art print and some new Liquor Brand goodies!
This week is shaping up to be a bit of a crazy one too! Tomorrow night I'm going to see Devildriver, Wednesday I'm going to a p[sychology lecture about hypnosis, Thursday is my 3 year anniversary with Pigeon, Friday is Pitchshifter and Sunday I'm heading to Brighton for munch's gig! It's all go!
Hope all is good with everybody! Will try and catch up with everyone soon!
So I've been up to bits and pieces here and there a few gigs, a few movies, lots of work and a few adventures!
Last month I went to Brussels for the first time and had all the excitement of the Eurostar! I love it - hop on a train and 2 hors later you are in a different country and you can play your DS the whole way - none of this take off and landing rubbish!
It was a really nice trip the architecture is amazing and the place is awesome as long as you avoid the EU bit which is boring and ugly! I ate a ridiculous amount of food including Belgian waffles, Belgian chocolate, rabbit and Belgian Lambic stews! Lush! I also ended up going to this awesome music venue called Magasin 4 which was amazing! First night I went was a metal night and there was one amazingly good band Psalm I've ordered their album so should be blasting out my hifi any day now! And the second night was a ska punk night and I spent the majority of the night dancing to Happening Leek who were so much fun and so energetic! I didn't know Brussels had a particularly good music scene but I endeavour to investigate further!
I came back and threw myself into work as I had my Team Manager assessment which was uber stressful and difficult. Fifteen of us went in for stage one and eight of us made it through to the second stage and only five to stage three. Then it came to crunch time but I passed! Woooo! I'm now in development so although I've had a promotion they won't actually pay me any more until I complete this development folder. Stupid!!! Oh well, at least I know its coming!
Then last weekend it was off to Edinburgh to meet up with some of you lot! After a 13 hour bus journey to get there, I was not disappointed! I had mucha fun catching up with those of haven't seen in a while and meeting a bunch of crazy new people too! It was good to find a real live independent comic store that was actually nice to visit and that Yorkie Porkie was lush! The club we ended up in was awesome too. Nice and dingy as I love my rock venues and they only played four songs I didn't know all night! Thankyou to mat8drb and TheQuestion who pretty much kept up the dancing with me all night!
Then it was off to Belfast for a few days to see everyone back home. I spent Sunday evening at a Marc Bolan tribute evening as it would have been his 60th birthday. It was entirely random but much fun. Monday was amazing! Spent the day with my bestest friend watching the first two episodes of the new season of Dexter (OMG sooooooo good!) and then we got merry on cocktails before going to see Gwen Stefani! Woooo! Absolutely brilliant! Sadly I didn't get the tour necklace I wanted and now they are going for 75 on Ebay! Yikes! But I don't care cause she was just fabulous!
This weekend I went to the Tattoo Convention which I have to say was wow! The convention is going from strength to strength each year. The calibre of artist there this year was phenomenal and it took me over 5 hours to get round everything! Sadly no new ink for me but I did get a fabulous art print and some new Liquor Brand goodies!
This week is shaping up to be a bit of a crazy one too! Tomorrow night I'm going to see Devildriver, Wednesday I'm going to a p[sychology lecture about hypnosis, Thursday is my 3 year anniversary with Pigeon, Friday is Pitchshifter and Sunday I'm heading to Brighton for munch's gig! It's all go!
Hope all is good with everybody! Will try and catch up with everyone soon!
I started running last September and could only do about 100 yards. It took a while to get up to 5 miles but after that I could add 3 miles per month running only once or twice a week. Once I got to 15 miles though I found it hard to go further. Perhaps cos I was only running one a week by then.
Enter races, they are fun, even for the slow runners.