I have been soo hectic since I got back from Download! I've been working full time, started doing research assistance at uni, moved home and tried to get my passport sorted for going to Barcelona on Monday and I still don't even know if its gonna be here on time! Rar!
I sold a bunch of CDs made some money and helped pay for the 2nd Download ticket i had to buy - the original one still hasn't arrived - fucking Royal Mail bastards!!!!
Anyways enough ranting! Download was absolutely amazing even though I didn't manage to catch up with everyone! I had all these good intentions but then I ended up being sunburnt and/or drunk and missed everyone! The bands totally rocked and the weekend was killer whenever I have photos they will be on here!
Metallica had to be the total highlight - the whole Master of Puppets album from start to finish! WOW!
Other highlights had to be Flyleaf, Clutch, 36 Crazyfists, Hatebreed and Bloodsimple but everyone was amazing and Henry Rollins was amazing!
And I'm totally loving the new layout its lush!
Oh and lovely people I applied for SGUK so vouch for me!
I sold a bunch of CDs made some money and helped pay for the 2nd Download ticket i had to buy - the original one still hasn't arrived - fucking Royal Mail bastards!!!!
Anyways enough ranting! Download was absolutely amazing even though I didn't manage to catch up with everyone! I had all these good intentions but then I ended up being sunburnt and/or drunk and missed everyone! The bands totally rocked and the weekend was killer whenever I have photos they will be on here!
Metallica had to be the total highlight - the whole Master of Puppets album from start to finish! WOW!

Other highlights had to be Flyleaf, Clutch, 36 Crazyfists, Hatebreed and Bloodsimple but everyone was amazing and Henry Rollins was amazing!
And I'm totally loving the new layout its lush!
Oh and lovely people I applied for SGUK so vouch for me!

How rad is that? Master of puppets from end to end! I always wanted to do a tribute band, but be a tribute to everyone. At each gig we'd play either an entire classic album, or a bands greatest hits. Unfortunately my band think this is a very silly idea, I think they're just scurred of the work involved!
I shall vouch for you in SGUK