The weekend was good!
It started on Friday really which was the big night out! Went to local pub The One Eyed Dog and had a few Sailor Jerry's

Anyways after that headed on to Atrium for shots and cocktails. Since I hadn't eaten all day I was on the way to drunk at this stage. Someone accused me of being American and I hurled a little abuse his direction. I made friends with the bar staff and refused to leave until they waved goodbye!
And then off to the local alternative club EQ where more shots + beers = drunkeness! DJ Alex played Therapy? for me too so I was mucha happy! I bought a disposable camera alas it was finished by 12:30

Saturday, my actual birthday, saw me have a nice lie in, be fed yummy food and watch random stuff! Watched Undergrads - totally cool cartoon can't believe I hadn't seen it before! And then for the movieness Howls Moving Castle and Kinky boots!
Manage to drag myself out of bed about 7 to go see The Proposition which was totally kick ass if not a bit gory and violent in places. But I like that. So its ok!
And then on Sunday my friend Mark from Belfast came down to see me and we went to a yummy restaurant and it was all good!
Now the celebrations are over and I'm back to work and uni and revision and blah but I had fun while it lasted.
Going to see th guillemots tonight so hope its good!
...and you still searchintickets to came on palau sant jordy .. . .i donthave any new of you about it. . .. .
. . .. . take care about you. . . .. .
....bites sweets. . . ..