So I went home to Ireland for some early birthday celebrations and it was loadsa fun!
I got 2 inches cut off my hair it really needed it looks a bit diferent but I think it rocks! Then I went to get tattooed! Got my stars finished by hell*n at Skullduggery Tatu and they are awesome. Just waiting for them to heal and then will totally get some photos up! And my ears are finally finished being stretched! Everyone says what was the point cause they are small - 4mm, with 5mm rim, but I say the point wa sI wanted them and thats that! :p
But anyways, spent the evening with my dad went to Pizza Hut which was yum and went to see M:I:3 and I'm gonna say I enjoyed it. I mean its a rubbish film but I mean if oyu just wanna go see it for what it is you will really enjoy it. Philip Seymour Hoffman is fantastic and Simon Pegg provides a good few giggles
Saturday was a fun day went bowling with my friends which was cool! I came like 3rd from the bottom but it was all good. The best thing was, one of my friends was running late so we added his name, he ended up not coming at all but managed to still win the game. How rude! Hehe! We went for noodles after and that was absolutely yum. It was a nice evening got a good group of my friends together and left me with a good feelin
On Sunday I went to see some of my friends do Playback Theatre which was really cool! Playback Theatre is spontaneous - it is theatre created through a unique collaboration between performers and audience. Someone tells a story or moment from their life, chooses actors to play the different roles then watches as their story is immediately recreated and given artistic shape and coherence. It really rocks if you get a chance you should go check some out!
I did a bit of catch up with a guy I hadn't seen in over 3 years as well and it went well. Theres always that fear that it will be awkward but it wasn't it was fantastic - gonna try not leave it so long next time!!!!
Got some cool stuff too including these shoes! Check these bad boys out!
My best birthday present has to be my Download ticket tho! Thankyou Pigeon mwah!
So now I'm back, handed in my last piece of coursework so just gotta do the exams and another year is done! Woooo!
Love you all!
I got 2 inches cut off my hair it really needed it looks a bit diferent but I think it rocks! Then I went to get tattooed! Got my stars finished by hell*n at Skullduggery Tatu and they are awesome. Just waiting for them to heal and then will totally get some photos up! And my ears are finally finished being stretched! Everyone says what was the point cause they are small - 4mm, with 5mm rim, but I say the point wa sI wanted them and thats that! :p
But anyways, spent the evening with my dad went to Pizza Hut which was yum and went to see M:I:3 and I'm gonna say I enjoyed it. I mean its a rubbish film but I mean if oyu just wanna go see it for what it is you will really enjoy it. Philip Seymour Hoffman is fantastic and Simon Pegg provides a good few giggles

Saturday was a fun day went bowling with my friends which was cool! I came like 3rd from the bottom but it was all good. The best thing was, one of my friends was running late so we added his name, he ended up not coming at all but managed to still win the game. How rude! Hehe! We went for noodles after and that was absolutely yum. It was a nice evening got a good group of my friends together and left me with a good feelin
On Sunday I went to see some of my friends do Playback Theatre which was really cool! Playback Theatre is spontaneous - it is theatre created through a unique collaboration between performers and audience. Someone tells a story or moment from their life, chooses actors to play the different roles then watches as their story is immediately recreated and given artistic shape and coherence. It really rocks if you get a chance you should go check some out!
I did a bit of catch up with a guy I hadn't seen in over 3 years as well and it went well. Theres always that fear that it will be awkward but it wasn't it was fantastic - gonna try not leave it so long next time!!!!
Got some cool stuff too including these shoes! Check these bad boys out!

My best birthday present has to be my Download ticket tho! Thankyou Pigeon mwah!

So now I'm back, handed in my last piece of coursework so just gotta do the exams and another year is done! Woooo!
Love you all!

I'll wait for MI3 and rent it , can't be bothered with a cinema trip to see it , simon pegg is part of the reason to see it anyway.
I can't wait for Download , going to be good , i'll definalty be there watching the Renegade Burlesque show , have to get a beer in for that one