OK, OK, so I never post. Since my last post here, I've been kinda depressed and moping around.

However! I am currently doing well, and I'm even losing weight. I still count as overweight, though, but I've been making progress.

I've got over my insidious cravings for a relationship, which, frankly, were rather crippling -- especially since I'm not really worth going after at the...
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working out will make you feel better...endorphins and such. if you want to go to the gym and do cardio with me you're more than welcome.

don't say you're not worth going for, you need to have more self esteem dude, you're not a bad person or a kitten killer or anything. smile
I was listening to Dr. Laura today. I don't do it often, but sometimes I don't feel like getting up from a half-doze to change the station. Well, this guy called in with a moral quandry: should his wife abort her baby or not?

The cause of this was that baby would likely cause the woman's uterus to explode sometime in the third trimester. Now,...
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thanks it was a moment of tip of the tongue, but couldnt remember. really just trying to be funny with the bloke and homo thing.
and hmmm to the dr. laura story. i will probably lose sleep tonight because of it.
or tim mc graw... im not sure which one.
I've been online since '98. I've been a major since '98. Since that time, I've recieved lots of spam, some more legitamate (or at least legit-looking) than others.

I have to say that I recieved the slickest one yet. No, not a Nigerian bank scam, but one that actually took some effort to do and was likely put out by an actual company and sent...
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I hate idiots.

I think that about sums things up.

Let me tell you what I mean, though.

I'm conservative. Whenever I say that, people tend to get disgusted and immediately assume I'm some sort of religious nutjob or blind follower. Well, no, it just so happens that I'm not.

See, I have this weird theory that this is a free country. People should be...
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You know what? I'm an idiot.

I've been expecting a couple of calls from my friends so we could go out. A couple of days pass, no calls, I start to get kinda depressed... Then Alison calls on the house phone and asks if I'm mad at her.

"No, I'm not," I say. "But you didn't call me yesterday."

"Yes I did! Your phone's off."...
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since you live in simi, i'm wondering if i already know you... confused
It's possible, especially in this horrid pit of a town. skull
Well, I finally joined SG. I s'pose I'll have to put some sort of picture up, but I know I'm not much to look at. Still, it helps to know who you're talking to, doesn't it?

- RC