wow. it's been a long time since i've been here. a lot has changed since my last journal entry. i've been at my new job almost 18 months. been through a whole relationship and all the shit that goes with it. now i'm being stalked! she hates my guts but can't live without me. it's weird. i don't need that shit and i wish she...
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please read the application guidelines for the water sports group or i will never let you in
dude, i'm from fbg.
check my pics to see if you know me, i dont know you though
wow, it's been forever since i've written in my journal. things are pretty shitty. i basically got fired from my job friday because i refused to take my piercings out. it's bullshit because my boss was ok with for over a year then all of a sudden he wanted me to take them all out. fuck him.

anyway, i got a new tat two weeks...
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i hope things get better....

happy birthday! smile
I love Fredericksburg! I would always stop at that Dietz Bakery or something like that whenever I went to my land in Harper. I haven't been there in quite some time now. frown
i got a labret piercing friday night. kind of strange. i guess mostly from all the swelling. it's hard to eat right now but it is slowly getting better. as if all the other piercings didn't do it before everyone really thinks i'm a freak now. that's ok. i am!
yeah im gettin my lip soon, dun de dun!! i bet it looks great

gravy babbay wink
FREAK!!!- sorry had to
it feels like it has been forever since i was last here. it hasn't really. just the weekend.

my grandparents had a family reunion this past weekend. it was really boring but i know it made them happy for me to be there. i worked my ass off helping them to get ready. oh well.

my antidepressants are finally kicking in. it's kind of nice...
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wow. i just posted a pic of myself in the sg member nakedness thread. kind of embarressing. i guess it wouldn't bother me so much if i thought i was worth looking at. oh well, sometimes we need to take risk and who knows, maybe someone will actually like it.
aww you shouldnt be embarrassed. you're cute. smile
besides you've already seen "ours" hehe
nakedness rocks baby
so where exactly are all your piercings?
i've been obsessed with dorothy parker's poetry lately. i guess it's the morbidness of it. the unhappiness of life and all that is going on. here is on of my favorites by her:

Dorothy Parker - Resume

Razors pain you;
Rivers are damp;
Acids stain you;
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful;
Nooses give;
Gas smells awful;
You might as well live.

in a...
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anne sexton is really good too...
and of course sylvia plath..though I am not a big fan of plath.
I have three styles of writing.. anger, depression, erotica.. sometimes all 3 combine... I guess that is the way of things as well.. So what do i do.. I come on SG and spew my words and my rants much like everyone else..

I hope your depression goes away too -hugs-
"fuck me gently with a chainsaw" - heathers

i'm so fucking bored and depressed i might as well kill myself. the only problem is that's too much work.

dude, no killing yourself k
*kisses* if you need to talk, lemme know, i'm Kristy Lyn
well, i'm sick today so i didn't have to go to work. i would would say yay but i feel really bad so work wins out as the lesser of the two evils. at least i got to spend time here!