4 hrs. at the oakland dmv and i still don't have new plates, my ex who makes feminista documentaries stood me up for dinner, i am depressed and lonely, wah wah, i think i will try to get my mpc working so i can make beats all night and try to distract myself out of the depression i am feeling, crosseyed and painless, as david byrne used to say, i punched bags all morning so that made the dmv experience a lil' more tolerable, i still don't have dsl back so i have to pirate my friends computers which everyone seems to like to make jokes about, whereas i don't think my plight is funny since i am trying to schedule my life and it is hard to get work done on the computer when i have time available to do it and all i want ot do is play but i can't and so i have seperation anxiety from the spontaneous side of my exsistence and quite frankly, it is what i live for( the play, i live for the play part of life, maybe too much, but what are you gonna do? ), an aquaintence of mine just got back from a rikkers riverboat holiday and i am being asked to come out to nyc for a meeting about startinbg a new recording distrubution group for experimental, d.j. orientated vinyl releases, i could use a week in the apple right now since i had such a crazy time on my birthday and didn't get to enjoy myself, get some ink finished, see the bk posse, the les crew and get carbombed at the sweetwater with huck and ralphie...maybe even meet a couple of people i have only "talked" with on-line,since i am not afraid to do that now that my proverbial cherry has been broke on that subject, what a bizarre year it has been so far...drinks at manitoba's and max fishes with harold and the zoo cats...i hope they get me tickets in the next couple of days, i think cali could use a break from me as much as i could use a break from it....anything to get out of going to vegas next week, it seemed like a good idea when i was drunk yesterday, but now i don't feel liquor bravado and to be quite honest i would probably fold if i saw my now pregnant ex-wife, i would probably drop to the floor in a fetal position in the middle of cheetah's and cry like a baby, what a fuggin' sap i am...i am having a male pms day, uncomfortable in any position type emotioins, the kind that have no rhyme or reason, but an intensity that you can't ignore like tryin' to talk over planes landing at lax or something....i just wish i had someone to lick my wounds...and some chick whose wound i could lick...i know i sound a lil' sexist, but what's a matter with being sexy?.?.?....
i wouldn't have stood you up for dinner....GET OUT OF THE TUB!!!!! 

Do you ever go to the Holiday Lounge on St. Marks? It's the best old guy bar in the world. They usually throw everyone out by 10 PM