I somehow forgot that I was having another story published. It's being put into a fairly meaningless anthology, but the story that they're printing is 10000 words, so it isn't as if I have the right to complain. I seem to have become the Lord of the Novella, which is a little bit like being the King of Angola, for all the good it does...
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Passed paged 140 today in my little green journal, meaning that the rough draft for the new book is maybe one third done. Even in it's unfinished state I can tell it's about a thousand times more commercial than my last one. All I have to do is explain the premise to people and their eyes light up. It's shorter, less ambitious and stupider than...
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In the unlikely case that someone actually looks at this.
My book, The Life of a Thief, was published last year by a teeny, tiny publisher based out of the state of Maine. You can find it here:
If you buy the kindle version, its a whopping three bucks.
I never really know how to explain my book, as its thoroughly odd. I suppose...
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My book, The Life of a Thief, was published last year by a teeny, tiny publisher based out of the state of Maine. You can find it here:
If you buy the kindle version, its a whopping three bucks.
I never really know how to explain my book, as its thoroughly odd. I suppose...
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Broken Dreams
THERE is grey in your hair.
Young men no longer suddenly catch their breath
When you are passing;
But maybe some old gaffer mutters a blessing
Because it was your prayer
Recovered him upon the bed of death.
For your sole sakethat all hearts ache have known,
And given to others all hearts ache,
From meagre girlhoods putting on
Burdensome beautyfor your sole...
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THERE is grey in your hair.
Young men no longer suddenly catch their breath
When you are passing;
But maybe some old gaffer mutters a blessing
Because it was your prayer
Recovered him upon the bed of death.
For your sole sakethat all hearts ache have known,
And given to others all hearts ache,
From meagre girlhoods putting on
Burdensome beautyfor your sole...
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Scientists were planning a study on men who had never seen pornography.
They called it off.
They couldn't find any men who had never seen pornography.
Sometimes the only thing you can do with the facts is report them.
They called it off.
They couldn't find any men who had never seen pornography.
Sometimes the only thing you can do with the facts is report them.
Bad wow or good wow?
i'm a professional 

Pa Cheese and the Fabulous Wright Flyer
By William Pressman
As told to David McLain
I had to consult a calendar and make a few phone calls to get the details straightened out, but I can still remember it, as the saying goes, like it was yesterday. I remember that awful ride out to the farm, with my mother and Bobby, all three of us...
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By William Pressman
As told to David McLain
I had to consult a calendar and make a few phone calls to get the details straightened out, but I can still remember it, as the saying goes, like it was yesterday. I remember that awful ride out to the farm, with my mother and Bobby, all three of us...
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My son Finn took off all of his clothes and gave himself "tattoos" with a ball point pen.
Somehow I blame all of you for this.
Somehow I blame all of you for this.
Physicists will tell you that there are four forces governing the universe, possibly five. They are as follows: Electromagnetism, the weak force, the strong force, gravity and dark energy, the last one have an admitted asterisk after its name. I am not a physicist, and have at best a marginal understanding of quantum mechanics, but my understanding is that they work like this:
Electromagnetism is...
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Electromagnetism is...
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I went to my sons Halloween parade, aka the march of the three foot tall Peter Parkers approximately two percent of all kids have home made costumes. Best in show award went to a disabled kid with a hand stitched cheeseburger costume, complete with a giant pickle slice for a hat. I have no idea who this kids mom is, but apparently she has bits...
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jane russell was a babe so i'll take that haha xx
Aww he's adorable!
Thanks for telling me about Nicholson's Ghost, I'm going to have to look up some info for it.
Thanks for telling me about Nicholson's Ghost, I'm going to have to look up some info for it.
At Barnes and Noble my son, Albert, aged two, walks out of the bathroom, tries to walk into the ladies room, tries to walk out the emergency exit, tries to use the drinking fountain, pushes the button for the elevator, walks into the elevator and tries to push the alarm button. This is all in about ten seconds.
I still want a few.
Is he usually the firecracker or is his brother worse?

Is he usually the firecracker or is his brother worse?
Oh boy! That sounds like a two year old! My nephew is about that age and climbs everything- you leave him alone for five seconds and he's on the kitchen table. He's also taken to getting up at 4:00am, letting the dog out and beginning a destruction duet ( a few nights ago they managed to get salt and Coca Cola all over the floor).
I know what you mean about loosing a job changing you- I do feel different now- but I am trying to turn it into a positive thing. I'm going to head back to school I think, for a job better suited to me, and see how things go. It's good to know I'm not alone feeling like this though- not that I delight in the misery of others. I hope that whatever change you have experienced has made you feel better.
I know what you mean about loosing a job changing you- I do feel different now- but I am trying to turn it into a positive thing. I'm going to head back to school I think, for a job better suited to me, and see how things go. It's good to know I'm not alone feeling like this though- not that I delight in the misery of others. I hope that whatever change you have experienced has made you feel better.
My son Finn, lies sleeping in the other room, unconcious but aware that withing a few short hours he will be turning four. He entered this world in the Republic of Korea, a country he was not destined for but will remained linked with for the end of his days. For this and other reasons I find myself think of the words of Glenn Ford...
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I don't hear that at all haha
I don't hear that at all haha
I was looking at the newborn of a friend of mine today, and I'm wondering why all babies look like Winston Churchill after a night of hard drinking.
LOL- so true! At least they improve with age.
Thanks for your comment on my blog- it's good to know someone else kind of sees things my way.
Thanks for your comment on my blog- it's good to know someone else kind of sees things my way.
Writing on your iPod, eh? You'll have to tell me how that works out; I borrowed an iPod a few weeks ago and could barely websurf on it. I think my fingers simply were too large to use the tiny keys. Though, I suppose, it's possible that practice would solve that issue.
Very, very sorry to hear about the Ex/kids situation. There doesn't seem to be any winners in that one. Is there any way for the situation to be reversed or amended? Or is it pretty much locked in at this point? Either way, again, very sorry to hear that it's causing you suffering.