I haven't spoken to another person, other than the cashier at Kash n' Karry, in a week. One of my pals is doing her MIA and hasn't returned my call or emails. I should be a big boy and not let it annoy me, but when a friend of mine calls on a very harsh day and says "I really need to hear from a friend", goddamit you stop what you're doing and call.
One month left in my probation and suspicion. Once its over, I am going on a little road trip, perhaps to South Carolina too look up old friends, and camp in their yard. Maybe my new internet gal pal could come along. There is nothing more wonderful than hearing the first bird of the morning chirp after a good snog in a sleeping bag.
What's it been, one solid year? It seemed like 28-32 was my sexual heyday. A young, virile young man who overcame his shyness and steeled in confidence, finally realizing he is neither stupid nor ugly. I have to look forward, because they don't make shoes that walk backwards.
One month left in my probation and suspicion. Once its over, I am going on a little road trip, perhaps to South Carolina too look up old friends, and camp in their yard. Maybe my new internet gal pal could come along. There is nothing more wonderful than hearing the first bird of the morning chirp after a good snog in a sleeping bag.
What's it been, one solid year? It seemed like 28-32 was my sexual heyday. A young, virile young man who overcame his shyness and steeled in confidence, finally realizing he is neither stupid nor ugly. I have to look forward, because they don't make shoes that walk backwards.