Heeeeeeyyyy, yeah so I am still in Seattle, and still not dead. That's good news, right?
As I assumed, I very quickly became just as busy and pre-occupied with my new job in a new state as I was in my old job in the old state, but at least now I think I'm generally having a better time and work with more, and more interesting, different people, and I do feel good about being invested in what I'm working on. There are issues and worries, but that's not unexpected (especially knowing my own personality), and overall it seems great. We'll see how things progress.
Meanwhile, in other news, my brother (well, his wife) had a baby girl, and I am now an uncle. My first step towards becoming the creepy uncle I'm destined to be, I'm sure. I haven't yet been able to figure out a good time to get back to NY to see the little bodily fluid-dispenser, but I should hopefully get out there soon. Babies are only babies for the time that they're, like...um, babies, after all.
I have a few thousand unfinished projects that I should be getting to now that I'm generally settled (getting a WA state license was a tremendously horrifyingly difficult maneuver, the car still isn't properly registered, oy), so it's unlikely that this entry won't be up just as long as the last, but for what it's worth I'm making the rounds to respond to some of the painfully overdue comments on that one. (Hey, comment on this entry, and be preserved in the annals of history for a couple months!)
-I miss all you crazy kids down South, I hope I can come visit some time soon.
As I assumed, I very quickly became just as busy and pre-occupied with my new job in a new state as I was in my old job in the old state, but at least now I think I'm generally having a better time and work with more, and more interesting, different people, and I do feel good about being invested in what I'm working on. There are issues and worries, but that's not unexpected (especially knowing my own personality), and overall it seems great. We'll see how things progress.
Meanwhile, in other news, my brother (well, his wife) had a baby girl, and I am now an uncle. My first step towards becoming the creepy uncle I'm destined to be, I'm sure. I haven't yet been able to figure out a good time to get back to NY to see the little bodily fluid-dispenser, but I should hopefully get out there soon. Babies are only babies for the time that they're, like...um, babies, after all.
I have a few thousand unfinished projects that I should be getting to now that I'm generally settled (getting a WA state license was a tremendously horrifyingly difficult maneuver, the car still isn't properly registered, oy), so it's unlikely that this entry won't be up just as long as the last, but for what it's worth I'm making the rounds to respond to some of the painfully overdue comments on that one. (Hey, comment on this entry, and be preserved in the annals of history for a couple months!)
-I miss all you crazy kids down South, I hope I can come visit some time soon.

What's new?

Are you still not dead?