Well closing on the house is the 28th. So i will be gone for a couple days while we get internet and stuff moved in. Good old little town of Madison... 20 minutes north of my current house. 20 minutes from Roanoke, VA.

Updated my website with a new Flash setup for a trial run to see how it works. I'll give it a week...
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Packing and Moving really fucking Sucks... that is all I have to say.... mad mad
Packing and moving really does blow. Not much is new to report! I'm doing really well in school and am pretty much just trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up. It's so scary! What about you?
I have absolutely no idea where Madison is... Thanks for the compliments!
The pictures were taken by Ken Fuller for a friend of mine who is also a hair stylist and wanted to submit her work to some hair magazines. I think the early 90's Glamour Shot aesthetic prevented them from being accepted, though.
Also, I LOVE the mask from your last blog. How did you make it?
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''M Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! smile

Hope everyone's been doing well and had a good week.
I had a good time...saw family and friends I haven't seen in awhile so it went well.
Long ass drive though.

well things do do still... will update again soon

Check out my updated section on my website to see photos from my visit home....lots of scenic and peak fall
photos.... kiss kiss
Hey sweetheart...thanks for all you've done for me smile

Gorgeous pics, btw love
Well my lovely beauties
I'll be on my way home in New York in a little while.
Everyone have a good weekend
and I'll let you know how my vacation went when i get back next weekendsmile

Hope everyone's doing well.
TTY all next weekend.

biggrin biggrin
I got the pics up, check out my blog... smile
Hope everyone's having a good weekend.

I had the honor of working with the beautiful Butterfly today. She's even more beautiful in perosn and a really sweet person. I'm looking forward to working with her againsmile Everyone wish her luck on her new set.

As for the rest of my weekend it wasn't too bad. Looking forward to my trip back home to New York...
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Thanks! I'm doing good, how you been?
Hope everyone had a good weekendsmile

I'll be going back home to New York between the 14th - 21st. Be a nice break smile

I also updated my website with some photos from this past weekend and also with some engagement photos of my sister smile let me know what you think.

Looking forward to working with Butterfly in the next couple weeks. Everybody send her luck...
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Hope everyone's having a good weekendsmile

Saturday morning.... it's been a long week....

semi-drunk rigth now but work itsmile

life's really shitty right now...
i'm sick...
and found out tonight my morals must be highsmile
beautiful girl hitting on me tonight but she was drunker than a skunk... if she was sober...damn right i would have went home with hersmile but oh wellsmile damn moralssmile

well hope everyone has a good...
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It's 6:15 am on sunday and I'm am now just getting home...
Left at 8 yesterday morning to go out to Rockingham Dragway to watch the I.D.R.A. show... it was pretty damn good if you ask mesmile Had a lot of fun. They had everything there today ... drag cars, nitro bikes, funny cars, and the rocket car. Only one accident though but the driver...
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