I just finished watching The Laramie Project, which was a movie about the murder of Matthem Shepard. I havnt cried that much duing any movie for as long as I can remember. The sad truth is that not much has changed since his death. No laws have been passed..almost as if America pushed the whole crime aside. I worked two summers ago for the Human Rights Campaign..then our main goal was to pass the Hate Crimes Bill. During that summer at every house I basically came out to everyone I met... Well I loved that job but it wasnt easy. People would preach at me, and condemn me..so much hate. Many people were happy to see me as well..and all the work I put in and those who I reached are what kept me motivated. But I live in cali..the most "liberal" state and if I have people telling me I desereve to go to hell...I can't even imagine what it must be like to live in the South/rural area. No one deserves to live their life in fear of persecution...why hasn't anything been done?
Hate is learned...it is bred through our society and through our actions.
Hate is learned...it is bred through our society and through our actions.
Why must people be so ignorant?
much love to you for putting in the effort to spread knowledge and love in this area.
i've got it pretty easy here in NYC, too. not too much closed-mindedness around.. and i really can't imagine what it would be like to have to live with it every day.
the closest i have ever come to it was at this year's gay pride parade. i was walking with a group of 8 or so girls.. ranging from super-femme to drag king butch. and this homeless looking man came up to us and spit at us. and i have never in my life seen such HATE in someone's eyes. needless to say.. it was really a bad place for a person like that to be... millions of gay and lesbian couples.. not to mention those just there for the support of it all.
totally crazy.