Thanksgving weekend= family time extravaganza! Yea I love my family and all but I hate having to be on low profile around them. They can be so conservative at times...that it's almost frightening. It's so funny that as a family we watched the Frida movie and watching some of those scenes with my parents made me feel all embarassed. Almost like I wanted to run and hide; or close their eyes for them. Ha ha...well some things never change and I'm not sure if I will ever be comfortable with my sexuality around my parents.
More Blogs
Sunday Feb 02, 2003
It seems I only have time to write at one week intervals. This past w… -
Sunday Jan 26, 2003
Aww good ol San Diego. I went on a lil one day trip with Sal. We cros… -
Thursday Jan 23, 2003
Its been a long long time since I've last written an entry. Blah I've… -
Thursday Jan 09, 2003
I just started back at school and its been seriously difficult trying… -
Thursday Jan 02, 2003
New Years was a blast...and I think Im still recovering from it. Wooo… -
Monday Dec 30, 2002
Im in absolute awww...almost mesmerized! How could anyone I just met … -
Sunday Dec 29, 2002
Yeep yep hooray!! I finally got my matching tat the other day. Now I … -
Friday Dec 27, 2002
Yea I've been busy doing the San Diego thing. Its been an alright hol… -
Friday Dec 20, 2002
This entire week has flown by...crazy, hectic, good and bad. Hmm s… -
Wednesday Dec 11, 2002
I just finished watching The Laramie Project, which was a movie about…
i'm uncomfortable around other peoples' conservative parents. avoid em. blah! i might flip out around them and hump their legs.