Thanksgving weekend= family time extravaganza! Yea I love my family and all but I hate having to be on low profile around them. They can be so conservative at times...that it's almost frightening. It's so funny that as a family we watched the Frida movie and watching some of those scenes with my parents made me feel all embarassed. Almost like I wanted to run...
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that's a nice looking cat. i like black cats and that one appears well behaved. i always get stuck with the psychotic cats that you can't hold for more than 3 seconds.

i'm uncomfortable around other peoples' conservative parents. avoid em. blah! i might flip out around them and hump their legs.
I woke up today feeling excited and anxious for the day to begin. Althouh I must admit...I had one of the worsts nights in sleep that I have had in a while.

I must have got up 3 times last night and searched the entire house for my sleeping pills. I ended up just popping a vicodin so I could at least get some sleep....
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I like your pic..smile
Just got this thing hmm..I'll write more later. I'm too distracted by all these beautiful girls.