it seems the site is appealing to me less and less every day...
my tastes aren't changing much, but the site is clearly moving away from them. all their latest media is promoting your average girl who goes to the coffee shop, then home to eat a fully vegan meal and then spends a quiet evening reading a nice book written by some russian lady.
not exactly what i'd call "punk rock and goth girls!".
lately the models are much more along the lines of "omg i love this site, its really helping me discover myself, i so want to be a model! *giggle*" I'm not really sure how you discover who you are by taking on the thoughts and ideas of others, but i guess i can't be expected to have all the answers.
oh, and if i wanted to see a girl stare at me with a completely disinterested expression, i'd go up and talk to one.
i think at this point, my being on the site is more of a foray into social engineering. well, that and i've paid up through the end of the year...
there are a few good sets from time to time, so that's a plus. i don't think i'll really ever understand the people here, many jumping from one fad to the next, not a whole lot of original ideas from most, yet being looked at as if their thoughts were the most advanced, just because they might be some of the most liberal or *shudder* "indie".
i try not to be really anti-indie or liberal or whatever. i just tend to like what i like, be it popular, indie, or other. but maybe everyone does that? it's the only option that makes sense, but doesn't seem to be practiced. but i do know one thing, this isn't an advanced community. if it were, people would be allowed to be themselves, but they just bicker about who's the biggest hipster and why this "sucks" or why that is "the best work ever", lots of judging going on. but we're all just people, i guess that's what you can expect. i didn't come here expecting great people (tho i've met serveral very cool people), but the level of reality distortion by some of the members here is disturbing the way they go on about how this site is so much better than X, Y, and Z or how it has "turned their life around" or some such. it's a nice site, with something of a forum for expression, but at the end of the day, it's still a website.
it's not a bad website though. i've seen the SG clones, they're worse than this site. but just because something is the best of it's kind doesn't mean it can't improve. i take a lot of guff for criticizing the site, but i only do it to hear my side heard, and i don't care if it's the popular opinion if it's not my opinion, and if i can deal with the thoughts of others, they can deal with mine.
i guess i just had to um, say some of these things. so i did. there.
my tastes aren't changing much, but the site is clearly moving away from them. all their latest media is promoting your average girl who goes to the coffee shop, then home to eat a fully vegan meal and then spends a quiet evening reading a nice book written by some russian lady.
not exactly what i'd call "punk rock and goth girls!".
lately the models are much more along the lines of "omg i love this site, its really helping me discover myself, i so want to be a model! *giggle*" I'm not really sure how you discover who you are by taking on the thoughts and ideas of others, but i guess i can't be expected to have all the answers.
oh, and if i wanted to see a girl stare at me with a completely disinterested expression, i'd go up and talk to one.
i think at this point, my being on the site is more of a foray into social engineering. well, that and i've paid up through the end of the year...
there are a few good sets from time to time, so that's a plus. i don't think i'll really ever understand the people here, many jumping from one fad to the next, not a whole lot of original ideas from most, yet being looked at as if their thoughts were the most advanced, just because they might be some of the most liberal or *shudder* "indie".
i try not to be really anti-indie or liberal or whatever. i just tend to like what i like, be it popular, indie, or other. but maybe everyone does that? it's the only option that makes sense, but doesn't seem to be practiced. but i do know one thing, this isn't an advanced community. if it were, people would be allowed to be themselves, but they just bicker about who's the biggest hipster and why this "sucks" or why that is "the best work ever", lots of judging going on. but we're all just people, i guess that's what you can expect. i didn't come here expecting great people (tho i've met serveral very cool people), but the level of reality distortion by some of the members here is disturbing the way they go on about how this site is so much better than X, Y, and Z or how it has "turned their life around" or some such. it's a nice site, with something of a forum for expression, but at the end of the day, it's still a website.
it's not a bad website though. i've seen the SG clones, they're worse than this site. but just because something is the best of it's kind doesn't mean it can't improve. i take a lot of guff for criticizing the site, but i only do it to hear my side heard, and i don't care if it's the popular opinion if it's not my opinion, and if i can deal with the thoughts of others, they can deal with mine.
i guess i just had to um, say some of these things. so i did. there.

I did SG for me and not for anyone else. You are entitled to your opinion and at least you expressed it coherently. I give you points for that much.
*edited for too many goddamn commas.
[Edited on Jan 23, 2005 8:51PM]