hello SG!
It feels so awesome to be back! (Haha kinda had a mini wanna be rockstar moment there)
So as you all may know and or noticed. I went on a short little break. I appologize about the suddeness of that. I was just pursuing a goal of mine that involves cooking. I wont say the exact show name but i will say it rymes with aster and ends withs chef. Well i ended up being apart of the top 100 people to be able to go to L.A. (which i loved!)
So you might or might not see me. Who knows. ANYWAYS
Im back and in full swing of replying to all you amazing peopld out there. I am also wanting ideals for what the theme should be of my next set. Tell me your ideals i would love to hear them.
Until then.
Yours truly lovely and devoted hopeful ;-)