okey I've been gone for awhle. A lot has been going on and I've been feeling really anti-social too so that helps with the not keeping up on the intraweb deal.
So my deppresion is better but now I've been feeling really edgy and that's not good. I see my therapist on friday so we will be talking about that.
I'm on the study, I went on Monday for my baseline and injection shot training. It went well, I'm still not real excited about giving myself a shot everyday but I'm sure I'll get used to it. So everyday I have to give myself the SQ injection that is just under the skin. IT SUCKS!!!!! I still have a bruise from the one I did on Monday and it stings and burns real bad for about 30 min. afterwards
The IM shot which is once a week is not so bad. Corneilus_Wright is giving them to me and the one on monday didn't even hurt. He better keep that up or he'll be on his way out
The in the muscle shot has a scary long needle about 3 inches long. It's extremely sharp though so I really didn't feel it go in plus I'm getting it in my butt so ther's alot of cushion there and I can't see it go in, which I think is my problem with the SQ. I take it with this stupid autoject thing which is supposed to make it better but it makes a loud sound when you use it which unsettles me a bit. Anywhoo I'm doing it and hopfully it will help. Oh and the IM makes me feel like I have a moderate hangover after I take it, super fun. I think I'm going to get wasted the night I take it so the hangover feeling won't be a total loss! Somebody bring me a mojito
I leave for Chicago on the 28th I'm really looking forward to it. And I get to bring my medicine on the plane
watch out terroists I'll stick you in the jugular with my IM shot
Which leads me to what I find funny about the whole plane situation, so I can take a 2 week supply of sharps on the plane, but I still don't think you can take on your knitting needles
Also I got a really cool little cooler with wheels on it to store my meds in because it has to be refrigerated I'll take a picture of it after I pimp it out a little bit
My house if Fucking hot!!!!!!! I had hoped that showing my grandmother my injections would make her realize that my illness is serious and REAL, but I still don't think it had any impact. I continue to tell her that the heat only makes my condition worse and I need the swamp coller installed, again I don't think she gets it. Whatever
ok I'm going to crawl back in to my shell for another week...I'm just trying to keep cool
So my deppresion is better but now I've been feeling really edgy and that's not good. I see my therapist on friday so we will be talking about that.
I'm on the study, I went on Monday for my baseline and injection shot training. It went well, I'm still not real excited about giving myself a shot everyday but I'm sure I'll get used to it. So everyday I have to give myself the SQ injection that is just under the skin. IT SUCKS!!!!! I still have a bruise from the one I did on Monday and it stings and burns real bad for about 30 min. afterwards

I leave for Chicago on the 28th I'm really looking forward to it. And I get to bring my medicine on the plane

Which leads me to what I find funny about the whole plane situation, so I can take a 2 week supply of sharps on the plane, but I still don't think you can take on your knitting needles

Also I got a really cool little cooler with wheels on it to store my meds in because it has to be refrigerated I'll take a picture of it after I pimp it out a little bit
My house if Fucking hot!!!!!!! I had hoped that showing my grandmother my injections would make her realize that my illness is serious and REAL, but I still don't think it had any impact. I continue to tell her that the heat only makes my condition worse and I need the swamp coller installed, again I don't think she gets it. Whatever
ok I'm going to crawl back in to my shell for another week...I'm just trying to keep cool
Congrats on getting into the study! My dad has diabetes and he says you get used to taking shots every day.

Did you guys come by the coffee shop on thursday? I put 6 on the thing, but I really menat 7. Did you show up early?