So I've been being a bad internet friend. I really haven't been on line that much recently unless it's to check my craft websites. You understand it's the crafts mean the most to me and give me the most joy
Since not being on the internet much you can usually find me hanging out a social gatherings with a happy face. I'm excellent at pretending.
At my job hateing it, or at the house either A.) sulking around hoping things get better or B.) yelling, or screaming at, on, or near Corneilus_Wright
. he's such a trooper,bless his heart for putting up with my shenannigans. I've just been really deppresed, I've started taking welbutrin but it hasn't kicked in yet, and witht he stress of starting up a new business my nerves have just been fried. So a big thank you to you my love
I couldn't do this without you, I love you...I promise to stop yelling soon
hmm...well i should go soon as my house is a pit, and i need to craft stuff. oh and it looks as though Corneilus_Wright will be moving in
whew...take some deep breaths, set back and relax
Since not being on the internet much you can usually find me hanging out a social gatherings with a happy face. I'm excellent at pretending.
hmm...well i should go soon as my house is a pit, and i need to craft stuff. oh and it looks as though Corneilus_Wright will be moving in
whew...take some deep breaths, set back and relax
If you send me some of your snicker doodles or other culinary delights I promise to send you something nice in return or just to cheer you up if the meds don't kick in.
Again, it was very thoughtful of you and Lilgreenfrog and I do appreciate it.
They don't have any locations in Colorado it says
You'll just have to come visit so you can have some.