saw Superbad with my Dad this morning while we waited for his truck to get finished being detailed. movie was Ha-Larious. I wanna be a cop now so i can get free beer and shoot stop signs. after that met up with cool person Dino where I drove her around to take care of her buisness. ended the night with pool. we found out that...
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these are all good things to know. anyways hello and how are you?
Haha. "I call this one the tippy toe fingers and miss shot."
Tonight was fucking awesome!!!! I saw SLAYER!!!!!!!! and manson played too but our ride wanted to bail out so the last song we heard him play was "Mobscene".... oh what a night...... but Slayer was the shit!!!! skull ARRR!!!
You suck for leaving. Slayer was nothing compared to Mr. Manson. He was UH MAY ZING. He changed the words to Dope Show to "The drugs they say, are made in Sacramento, that's the face I'd really like to come on..."
today was fun....went to work and did absolutely nothing. it was 8 and a half hours of procrastination....its times like that when i wish i had a nintendo DS. but no.....instead i listened to the coolest person i know try to figure out what ringtones she wanted to download. so exciting huh? after my uneventfull day at work i visited my dad who i havent...
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My days consist of lots of blood and guts smile
welcome to SG smile hope you're loving the site!
So, I got think new job installing safety fences for pools. If you think about it, only uber rich people get that, so I see a whole bunch of insanely cool backyards that I might never have.

Then I remember, "I'm some dude installing fences."

It is a daily struggle not to drown myself. Haha. tongue

Dino is more awkward in real life.

She's probably going...
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hey yo
thanks for requesting smile
Well thank you? Haha!