apologies for not answering everyone's recent comments. i've been a bit overwhelmed with all of them, but to celebrate (all those sometimes cruel and other times funny) comments that everyone left about picture #2, i have made said picture my profile so that you can all laugh more frequently. this is for a limited time only (like burger king's jalapeno poppers--aka: chilli cheese tacos UK-side) so visit my journal!
(hair has returned to a much darker state, btw. all i wanted was a little bit of change in my life, but its not going to be my hair damnit! i suppose this means i'll have to get another job, facial reconstruction or take up a new hobby that doesn't cost money because i spent all of mine on hairdye. hmmm. what could that be? free-style london walking? ideas are welcome.)
ok, self-promoting out of the way, let's talk about burger king. in particular, those limited time only jalapeno poppers are these the same as those 'chili cheese tacos' i've seen advertised around london?.
on a side note, why would you call something that's more like a deep fried nugget a taco. this really bothers me. its sacrilegious even. (AND, while we are on the topic, the word 'taco' is NOT pronounces taa-ko with a twangy 'aa'. oh no, its pronounced with the 'a' sounding like the 'a' in the word 'tall'. and you can't fight me about it being the diff between american and english language on this one because its NOT an english word). anyway, back on track...this obviously goes back the lack of mexican food in the UK.
i think someone should change this. mexican food is one of the world's finest cuisines. i know, you might be thinking that mexico is a bit dirty and they eat too much corn, but both items really do wonders for the flavours abundant in mexican food.
if anyone from ithaca ny reads this journal entry, could you stop off at the bottom of the south hill of the town and get me on of those tacos at that shop that's right there across from the common's rats territory? *drool* please email me for shipping address.
oh wait, i've gone off track again. that's the effects of the lack of booze that i experienced last night. i'm not working properly now as a result. perhaps i'll snarfle a few pints for lunch, but booze got canceled out of my budget for this month (and every month for the rest of my life until i win the lottery or fall into the world's best job--whichever one comes first).
right, back on track again. jalapeno poppers, aka chili cheese tacos. i once lived off these for 6 months. i graduated from donut phase to jalapeno popper phase. i'm a bit of a binge eatter. i'll go for months surviving off the same food item if it turns me on at the time. i do the same thing with listening to CDs. which always slightly annoyed my roommate in NY, but we ended up getting high most of the time and stopped caring. meh.
anyway, i'm delighted to see the same product--limited time only! (or similar product, does anyone know?) down at the local burger king. my diet is going back to cheesy-spicy-deep-fried chemical laden crap. mmmmm.
i stopped in burger king the other night after a few drink and tried to order some. the people at the counter couldn't understand what i was talking about (obviously a very new product rather than slurred speach, i'm sure). then after a few of the workers ran around for a few minutes immitating chickens with their heads recently cut off, the manager came out to tell me they didn't have any. at which point i gave him a look similar to the one in my profile pic (facial expressions--including the evil eye being my only superhero powers) in response to which he said, ok, ok, i'll get them for you but you have to wait 4 minutes. 4 minutes while i'm slobberingly drunk and chatting away to a friend. i think i can handle that. it wasn't the answer he was looking for because after 2 minutes i was once again told that they didn't have any.
we can all rest assured that i had some nice things to say about that, however, being in the drunken state i was, i dont remember any of them.
do you think burger king will sell me bucket of jalapeno poppers/chili cheese tacos for breakfast? i have exactly 27 minutes until work starts. i think i'll go find out. even if they do make me wait the famed 4 minutes.
mid-day update:
i did indeed have chili cheese tacos for lunch today (although not for breakfast owing more to laziness and not wanting to walk down to BK rather than BK not selling such items for breakfast). they were delicious. i had 3 orders of them. the man at the counter thought it a bit strange, and yes, he told me that i would have to wait 4 minutes for them.
back at the office my boss said something to the effect of "what are you eatting? and is that all you are having". to which i responded "eat one! and no, i;m also having a diet coke because i'm trying to watch my figure"
having eatten one, he asked me where he could get some (no lie!) and then promptly left to take his lunch.
and for all of those hanging onto the edge of their seat about these little munchies, they are not quite identical to the state-side jalapeno poppers. my guess is that it is owing to the seemingly lack of jalapeno peppers on this continent. you can only buy them through waitrose grocery store online and they come in one of those little jars soaked in your-not-sure-what. the chili cheese tacos do have cheese (or something that is somewhat like cheese anyway) and chilis in them and are mighty tasty. i;d still go for the jalapeno poppers if i had the choice, but i'll take what i can get.
i will eat little else other than these until the limited time only time limit expires. that way i can last until the bring them back onto the menu again. which they will. they always do.
(hair has returned to a much darker state, btw. all i wanted was a little bit of change in my life, but its not going to be my hair damnit! i suppose this means i'll have to get another job, facial reconstruction or take up a new hobby that doesn't cost money because i spent all of mine on hairdye. hmmm. what could that be? free-style london walking? ideas are welcome.)
ok, self-promoting out of the way, let's talk about burger king. in particular, those limited time only jalapeno poppers are these the same as those 'chili cheese tacos' i've seen advertised around london?.
on a side note, why would you call something that's more like a deep fried nugget a taco. this really bothers me. its sacrilegious even. (AND, while we are on the topic, the word 'taco' is NOT pronounces taa-ko with a twangy 'aa'. oh no, its pronounced with the 'a' sounding like the 'a' in the word 'tall'. and you can't fight me about it being the diff between american and english language on this one because its NOT an english word). anyway, back on track...this obviously goes back the lack of mexican food in the UK.
i think someone should change this. mexican food is one of the world's finest cuisines. i know, you might be thinking that mexico is a bit dirty and they eat too much corn, but both items really do wonders for the flavours abundant in mexican food.
if anyone from ithaca ny reads this journal entry, could you stop off at the bottom of the south hill of the town and get me on of those tacos at that shop that's right there across from the common's rats territory? *drool* please email me for shipping address.
oh wait, i've gone off track again. that's the effects of the lack of booze that i experienced last night. i'm not working properly now as a result. perhaps i'll snarfle a few pints for lunch, but booze got canceled out of my budget for this month (and every month for the rest of my life until i win the lottery or fall into the world's best job--whichever one comes first).
right, back on track again. jalapeno poppers, aka chili cheese tacos. i once lived off these for 6 months. i graduated from donut phase to jalapeno popper phase. i'm a bit of a binge eatter. i'll go for months surviving off the same food item if it turns me on at the time. i do the same thing with listening to CDs. which always slightly annoyed my roommate in NY, but we ended up getting high most of the time and stopped caring. meh.
anyway, i'm delighted to see the same product--limited time only! (or similar product, does anyone know?) down at the local burger king. my diet is going back to cheesy-spicy-deep-fried chemical laden crap. mmmmm.
i stopped in burger king the other night after a few drink and tried to order some. the people at the counter couldn't understand what i was talking about (obviously a very new product rather than slurred speach, i'm sure). then after a few of the workers ran around for a few minutes immitating chickens with their heads recently cut off, the manager came out to tell me they didn't have any. at which point i gave him a look similar to the one in my profile pic (facial expressions--including the evil eye being my only superhero powers) in response to which he said, ok, ok, i'll get them for you but you have to wait 4 minutes. 4 minutes while i'm slobberingly drunk and chatting away to a friend. i think i can handle that. it wasn't the answer he was looking for because after 2 minutes i was once again told that they didn't have any.
we can all rest assured that i had some nice things to say about that, however, being in the drunken state i was, i dont remember any of them.
do you think burger king will sell me bucket of jalapeno poppers/chili cheese tacos for breakfast? i have exactly 27 minutes until work starts. i think i'll go find out. even if they do make me wait the famed 4 minutes.
mid-day update:
i did indeed have chili cheese tacos for lunch today (although not for breakfast owing more to laziness and not wanting to walk down to BK rather than BK not selling such items for breakfast). they were delicious. i had 3 orders of them. the man at the counter thought it a bit strange, and yes, he told me that i would have to wait 4 minutes for them.
back at the office my boss said something to the effect of "what are you eatting? and is that all you are having". to which i responded "eat one! and no, i;m also having a diet coke because i'm trying to watch my figure"
having eatten one, he asked me where he could get some (no lie!) and then promptly left to take his lunch.
and for all of those hanging onto the edge of their seat about these little munchies, they are not quite identical to the state-side jalapeno poppers. my guess is that it is owing to the seemingly lack of jalapeno peppers on this continent. you can only buy them through waitrose grocery store online and they come in one of those little jars soaked in your-not-sure-what. the chili cheese tacos do have cheese (or something that is somewhat like cheese anyway) and chilis in them and are mighty tasty. i;d still go for the jalapeno poppers if i had the choice, but i'll take what i can get.
i will eat little else other than these until the limited time only time limit expires. that way i can last until the bring them back onto the menu again. which they will. they always do.
Viva Taqueria!! MMM...if anyone sends you a taco, get them to mail me a Basic Burrito. hell yeah.
i love you.