I'm baaaack. For three months it seems. Someone renewed my account.

Thank you, mysterious gifter.

internet stalkers are the best. wink
Rain says Hi. Well, she would say that but she has my cock in her mouth at the moment so it's more of a mumble.... biggrin
Since You Heard from Me Last (or: What I Did In August) i had a month long manic episode, broke up with my girlfriend, moved out of her house, moved into a trailer with one of my best friends & a 56 year old man named Bob, moved again to a cute little house in my college town. i've also been seeing a girl who...
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youve been busy. smile
isn't it funny how a knock-down-drag-out explosive fight, which nearly ended when i shoved my girlfriend (behavior which isn't really like me, mind you, but sure as hell used to be) can result in a cleansingly honest conversation...which turns out to be all the relationship really needed the whole time?
So we're all moved into our new house.

Pics soon...
friendly is the world at times. cloves, and i see that you're still kicking around this place. i love moving. i love kitchenware.
my girlfriend is buying a house. it is a cute house. & i get the master bedroom, master bath with jacuzzi tub, TWO (count 'em TWO!) walk-in closets, tray ceilings, & french doors leading out to the back deck with a view. oi. i am a lucky little soul.

the strangest thing -- i don't feel a whole lotta fear about moving in with her....
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funny timing that is because i believe my account expires in a few days or at the end of the month or something...and i'm poor as fuck until i get some full time work.

anyway. i miss you and would love to talk soon. if you have some free time next week drop me a line and let me know when i can call you. we haven't spoken for ages and i have about 4 million things going on at the moment. much to discuss/update. besides, i want to hear how you are too.

and i think its probably a good sign that you are not afraid to move in with your lady. with some people, you just intuitively know that things will go well. i liked you from the start and it still blows me away how you could complete my sentences so quickly after meeting me. (unless i'm just that simple?! shocked )

i love you. kiss
ah, weiner. this brings laughter to my heart.

m'friad i now have exams. but i shall try to call you anyway. cuz i miss ya.

(jacuzzi bath. i am SO envious...i love my baths.)

[Edited on Apr 28, 2006 8:09PM]
i met Michelle Tea at the Sex Worker's Art Show a few weeks ago!

She's an amazing person, artist, & writer, & is especially cool for starting Sister Spit.

I gave her a signed copy of my girlfriend's book.

I told her I loved her & gave her a hug.

I'm a dork. a lucky one.


I love Michelle Tea.

Your gf is a writer? What has she written?

well, being in graduate school has just about absorbed every single "free" moment i think i must have had not long ago. what did i do in that time? value changes so abruptly, supply & demand baby...

i recently tried to get a slight promotion at work in order to have a more flexible schedule next semester so i can take more than 2 classes...
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witty. i should have ticked witty on your johari.
naw. it wasn't me. although i did call you a week or so ago, but i leave few messages if any unless its important.

my life's a mess at the moment. busy busy and running around all the time. i dont have time to eat or even dress myself properly anymore. when it all settles down for a minute i'll give you a ring. i miss your twang. tongue

i went home to NY for the holidays. it was mostly shit. i got to see my sister, though. she'll be 16 next month. woah.

seeing all the people i used to know that didn't make it out of bumfuck nowhere was really depressing. i'm proud, but feel a bit guilty. i'm lucky.

my mother wouldn't let me borrow the car unless i ONLY TOOK...
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woah indeed. i think she was 8 the last time i saw her. i can't picture her driving a car. or even have boobs.

i'm sorry things have fallen to shit with your roomies. at least july isn't too soon...

i miss you. come and live with me. smile

[Edited on Jan 08, 2006 11:26AM]

i miss the attention span that allowed me to be on suicidegirls for hours. then again, i don't miss the loneliness & despair which gave me the apathy & sloth that bore the attention.

i emanate light.

couldn't fake it if i tried. ooo aaa
i am so happy that you are beaming. i'm beaming too. biggrin
It's true what rainwolfkin said - I've seen her beam. Honestly! She looks like this --------> biggrin
my immune system has called out sick. she's laying in bed, smoking pot, drinking beer, & blowing cigarette smoke into the cold air.

i'd fire her, but she's got too much control. she's never delegated -- she prefers to do everything herself, because then she knows it'll be done properly & to her standards. only she's also a perfectionist -- if she can't get it...
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i hope you feel better. frown

we used to talk about shuttling down the side of one of the towers; the first time i mentioned it was when we did acid between our freshman semesters. i remember staring up at them in the crystalline winter, crisp air, numb lips. it seemed the most beautiful way to die. as a last wish, given to fly for only a few seconds. but then, what is a second?

i remember in the early days of acid - i remember that crystalline crisp winter - i remember coming across a tree entirely coated in ice - the beauty of it. what i still find most beautiful is the understanding - the complexities of understanding. between the experience and the person. between you and me.

i've seen so many things and done so many horrible things to myself in search of...something. i miss you. but i've never left you in a way and sometimes feel like that missing isn't so missing after all.

if any of that makes sense.

you know, i loved you the most too. still.

and i danced around the issue because you felt like my soul mate already, so nothing else needed to be done.

i've felt the urge to fly more times than i can count.

i value you because i can say that. because you understand the feeling. and the cold. the winter, the ice - and not its symbology, but the experience of it. the brute down to life 'i am here' and 'it just is' of it all.

i love you.

the words will linger on my tongue perpetually.