Countdown: 16 days left until SuicideDoggie's and kittyp's birthday party on the 16th of April (check the events section).
i went to the NIN gig last night at the Astoria. i had so much fun. Lots of yucky boys rubbed up against me and left me smelling like their sweat. it was so gross. and now my bedroom stinks like sweaty rockstar death pit. i'll have to fumigate the house tonight.
i feel wretched. my foot hurts for some reason. i'm a bit shaky. i need to clean out my system. maybe for good this time. when i feel like this, i wonder why i torture my body so. these substances cost too much money. sure, they make me feel good for a few hours. but i can't remember those hours the next morning anyway. and they make my body suffer so much. i'm sure that any day now, all those drugs i've done in my lifetime are going to make themselves evident in my facial features. i dread to think about how they will do this, but i'm sure that the outcome will be hideous. They've already impacted my innards. i'm quite sure that there are multiple holes in my stomach lining that allows stomach acid to leak out and corrupt other areas. and my liver--it just sits there shriveling into a corner and begging forgiveness from all the pantheons of gods for sins that it knows it must have committed in order to receive the punishment i inflict on it. and despite the copious amounts of milk that i drink, i believe my bones might actually be in a state of decay. they're so creaky. and let's not mention what the inside of my nose is like. thank goodness that's not an erogenous zone for many people and no one really explores that area. i've got grey hair too. lots of it.
i can feel the stomach acid eatting away at bits of me right now.
oh how i love nine inch nails. i hear trent just got 'clean' too. maybe i'll follow his example. the show was great. piggy and wish rocked my socks off. my legs hurt. i want to see the show tonight. i could go buy tickets from the gimps outside selling them for 400. or maybe i could just kick one of them in the shins and run off with their tickets. anyone want to start a mini riot with me as a diversion?
i stink. i'm over heating but my hands are freezing. my body doesn't know what the fuck is up.
klinck. ug.
i went to the NIN gig last night at the Astoria. i had so much fun. Lots of yucky boys rubbed up against me and left me smelling like their sweat. it was so gross. and now my bedroom stinks like sweaty rockstar death pit. i'll have to fumigate the house tonight.
i feel wretched. my foot hurts for some reason. i'm a bit shaky. i need to clean out my system. maybe for good this time. when i feel like this, i wonder why i torture my body so. these substances cost too much money. sure, they make me feel good for a few hours. but i can't remember those hours the next morning anyway. and they make my body suffer so much. i'm sure that any day now, all those drugs i've done in my lifetime are going to make themselves evident in my facial features. i dread to think about how they will do this, but i'm sure that the outcome will be hideous. They've already impacted my innards. i'm quite sure that there are multiple holes in my stomach lining that allows stomach acid to leak out and corrupt other areas. and my liver--it just sits there shriveling into a corner and begging forgiveness from all the pantheons of gods for sins that it knows it must have committed in order to receive the punishment i inflict on it. and despite the copious amounts of milk that i drink, i believe my bones might actually be in a state of decay. they're so creaky. and let's not mention what the inside of my nose is like. thank goodness that's not an erogenous zone for many people and no one really explores that area. i've got grey hair too. lots of it.
i can feel the stomach acid eatting away at bits of me right now.

oh how i love nine inch nails. i hear trent just got 'clean' too. maybe i'll follow his example. the show was great. piggy and wish rocked my socks off. my legs hurt. i want to see the show tonight. i could go buy tickets from the gimps outside selling them for 400. or maybe i could just kick one of them in the shins and run off with their tickets. anyone want to start a mini riot with me as a diversion?
i stink. i'm over heating but my hands are freezing. my body doesn't know what the fuck is up.

klinck. ug.
...although i can't say i would ever stop doing drugs. i can't imagine it. then, i don't do that many anymore...
i love you. i wish i'd gone with you to NIN.