Countdown: 21 days left until FlameRetardntMans Birthday Party! Its in London on the 16th of April!
let me know if you want to come and i'll let you know where it is!
had a lovely time last night--got to meet Stifler, Ttrent and the lovely Leola (whose photoset we are all eagerly waiting to come online!). kittyp and FlameRetardntMan also made appearances and its nice, as always, to see those two.
and an exciting day to come! i'm hanging with kittyp and FlameRetardntMan in the cemetary! yea!
well, now, its off to feed my black hole of a stomach...
in other (related) news--my essays are not getting written and i have this overwhelming sense of guilt about it. soon i will have to buckle down and exclude everything from my life except my work for a week or two....
in other (unrelated) news--i have, over the past few years, developed a mild fear of birds. this is nothing like my bee phobia though. i had never been afraid of birds until visiting scotland when all the turns were nesting on the beach. if they see you wandering about where their eggs are, they divebomb you. well, i got divebombed a few times by some very angry sounding birdies.
its all a bit difficult to deal with really, because the next day you can be walking the same path and get no divebombs. perhaps this is because the parents are out fishing or something, i dont know. but it just doesn't work for me. i'm more like a puppy than that. i need consistent punishment for misdeeds--not this only once in a while bullshit. its not wonder the turns turn out to be such nasty creatures with parenting like that.
so, i thought that this fear was only in association with this particular breed of bird in this particular setting, but sometimes, when a pigeon makes a near miss fly by on its way to steal sandwishes out of the hands of children, i get a little zing of anxiety.
i refuse, however, to let this escalate into something similar to my bee phobia. how horrible would that be. i wouldn't be able to go outside at all (at least not in pigeon dominated london!).
must not fear birds...
AND--in anticipation of remarks to this rather boring journal entry for today, no, i have not seen the movie Birds
let me know if you want to come and i'll let you know where it is!
had a lovely time last night--got to meet Stifler, Ttrent and the lovely Leola (whose photoset we are all eagerly waiting to come online!). kittyp and FlameRetardntMan also made appearances and its nice, as always, to see those two.
and an exciting day to come! i'm hanging with kittyp and FlameRetardntMan in the cemetary! yea!
well, now, its off to feed my black hole of a stomach...
in other (related) news--my essays are not getting written and i have this overwhelming sense of guilt about it. soon i will have to buckle down and exclude everything from my life except my work for a week or two....
in other (unrelated) news--i have, over the past few years, developed a mild fear of birds. this is nothing like my bee phobia though. i had never been afraid of birds until visiting scotland when all the turns were nesting on the beach. if they see you wandering about where their eggs are, they divebomb you. well, i got divebombed a few times by some very angry sounding birdies.
its all a bit difficult to deal with really, because the next day you can be walking the same path and get no divebombs. perhaps this is because the parents are out fishing or something, i dont know. but it just doesn't work for me. i'm more like a puppy than that. i need consistent punishment for misdeeds--not this only once in a while bullshit. its not wonder the turns turn out to be such nasty creatures with parenting like that.
so, i thought that this fear was only in association with this particular breed of bird in this particular setting, but sometimes, when a pigeon makes a near miss fly by on its way to steal sandwishes out of the hands of children, i get a little zing of anxiety.
i refuse, however, to let this escalate into something similar to my bee phobia. how horrible would that be. i wouldn't be able to go outside at all (at least not in pigeon dominated london!).
must not fear birds...
AND--in anticipation of remarks to this rather boring journal entry for today, no, i have not seen the movie Birds

"i love you"
inarticulate fool.