Well, I can't find my LJ login, and am to lazy to deal with it at the moment, so what the hell.
Damn I am in a good mood, it's not even funny. I have my dogs at the apartment w/ me till Monday night, as Rhonda is getting paid to go down to Miami for a huge art show. It's fun watching Bela get...
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Damn I am in a good mood, it's not even funny. I have my dogs at the apartment w/ me till Monday night, as Rhonda is getting paid to go down to Miami for a huge art show. It's fun watching Bela get...
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Well, I'm done w/ this site...just to many bad memories of why I bothered signing up in the first place. I'll continue the journal of the Life of Bob on LJ.
Thanksgiving was totally ruined for me this year thanks to finally realizing just how much of a liar skirttwlr really is. God she so reminds me of my first girlfriend on that level. The thing that really sucked about it, is that her story totally fell apart about 2 minutes into us arriving at the restaurant. What a sucker punch that was..hearing that and having...
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I hit a fucking bmw this morning...
cop stole my license...
I might not be able to drive for a year...
I'm going back to bed
I need xannax and tequila
cop stole my license...
I might not be able to drive for a year...
I'm going back to bed
I need xannax and tequila
obviously you only read the small & bald part to think I stole your egg.
dude....that sounds ruff.....where you to sheets to the wind????...man, you gotta have a sugar magnolia to drive fer ya ..you know...when your seein'; double.....m
Man, where to begin...had a pretty awesome weekend on some levels....but got pretty pissed on some others...
OK..the fun stuff...got in some serious hanging out time w/ Jessica on thursday..which was a fucking blast. It's rare that I go out on the town like that..and I actually miss it. We hit my friends opening...didn't even run into the ex-wife..which was an added bonus. That was...
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OK..the fun stuff...got in some serious hanging out time w/ Jessica on thursday..which was a fucking blast. It's rare that I go out on the town like that..and I actually miss it. We hit my friends opening...didn't even run into the ex-wife..which was an added bonus. That was...
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So,..it has come to may attention that skirttwlr is to emabarrased to fess up to her friends how we meet...still trying to figure out how much shit to give her for that....So what if she got lonely and called up an escort service <grin>
Like a dumb ass, I waited to long to get tickets to see Trey at the paramount....grrrrr
To the lady at...
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Like a dumb ass, I waited to long to get tickets to see Trey at the paramount....grrrrr
To the lady at...
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ahhh yes, its nice to have a girl on yer arm to help with the blow of seeing your ex with someone new... I am married, have been for 5 years, have one 5 year old boy who is the greatest thing ever...but man, holding it together is tough, half the time we're tight, the other half i'm walkin' out the door to go have a emotional affair with some coffee shop princess.. TREY! i heard there was a sort od phish reunion the other night... did you think phish where done forever???

lil ol me....
Wheeeeee.....Bob get's to go under the knife yet again on Friday. I got a call from my cardiologist...and it now looks like he wants to remove my digital loop recorder on Fri. A little short notice, but I think I'd rather hurry up and get it taken out. I know this sounds really flippin weird...but I'm going to miss having it in there...
The fun...
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The fun...
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Ok...Bob's in vent mode. If I don't do something..I am going to reach across my desk and friggin strangle a co-worker of mine. Yes..I'm know..I'm a litle bit more sensitve than the average joe, with regards to folks tapping, whistling, shaking thier legs to the point where my desk shakes...but it's not like I don't tell this cat EVERY day to stop. Let's see..your in...
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stop shining up the bald spot and maybe it won't scream "TOUCH ME"
Stop ur bitchin
Stop ur bitchin
you know damn well it wasn't that shiny...until you popped that massive zit of yours and spewed all the crap everywhere!!!!
Sometimes its like my own dirty little secretthe gameas I need to hide itnot to be seen..to simply be and go un-noticed. But we know thats not how it ever ends. It begins, as simple as a chill running up my spine..the hairs they stand on end.. In the back of my mind..where I do not venture often..instead I hideor at least I tryback therein...
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Damn...it's been awhile since I've bothered to wirte in here. So...whats happened since I lasr wote.
1)Shoudler issues...my shoulder is completley ficked at this point. Which really sicks as I jsut had the damn thing operated on in the begining of this year. I have a fucking crackhead to thank for what I have to deal with currently. I ended up passing out about a...
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1)Shoudler issues...my shoulder is completley ficked at this point. Which really sicks as I jsut had the damn thing operated on in the begining of this year. I have a fucking crackhead to thank for what I have to deal with currently. I ended up passing out about a...
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Happy Friggin Monday.....
I had a fabulous weekend!!!!!
Got to hang out with Lisa, who is happily falling head over heels for her new guy. I'm so happy for her, I'm glad one of us is doing well in that department
I was finally able to drag Jason kayaking, which was a blast. My shoulders held up just fine, and at this point, my only...
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I had a fabulous weekend!!!!!
Got to hang out with Lisa, who is happily falling head over heels for her new guy. I'm so happy for her, I'm glad one of us is doing well in that department

I was finally able to drag Jason kayaking, which was a blast. My shoulders held up just fine, and at this point, my only...
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