Well I give up on trying for any kind of relationship anymore. Every time I think something might lead to more than just a friend, they either turn out to be crazy or a soak. Sometimes both.
Is asking for a girl that doesn't drink more than half the week, doesn't expect me to be with her every minute I'm not at work, and just enjoy sitting at home enjoying a movie or relaxation time too much to ask? I'm beginning to think it is. The last few girls I've been interested in turned out to be a little off the deep end. I honestly don't know how you can go out 4 or 5 days out of 7 a week. I can't handle the drama that always goes with drinking. I really can't. That's why I don't want to date someone that drinks twice as much as I do. I don't mind getting a little drunk now and again.. just not on a regular basis.
So now I'm back to square one. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying. Maybe I seem to attract the ones that I really don't want to be with. Whatever it is, it sucks. I need a down to earth girl who doesn't take things for granted, knows what it's like to put in a hard days work, and can enjoy the simple things. You'd think there would be some of those kind of girls around this farm country, but it seems to be almost the complete opposite. Maybe I should think about moving and starting over somewhere else.
Maybe being single isn't so bad after all.
/rant off
Is asking for a girl that doesn't drink more than half the week, doesn't expect me to be with her every minute I'm not at work, and just enjoy sitting at home enjoying a movie or relaxation time too much to ask? I'm beginning to think it is. The last few girls I've been interested in turned out to be a little off the deep end. I honestly don't know how you can go out 4 or 5 days out of 7 a week. I can't handle the drama that always goes with drinking. I really can't. That's why I don't want to date someone that drinks twice as much as I do. I don't mind getting a little drunk now and again.. just not on a regular basis.
So now I'm back to square one. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying. Maybe I seem to attract the ones that I really don't want to be with. Whatever it is, it sucks. I need a down to earth girl who doesn't take things for granted, knows what it's like to put in a hard days work, and can enjoy the simple things. You'd think there would be some of those kind of girls around this farm country, but it seems to be almost the complete opposite. Maybe I should think about moving and starting over somewhere else.
Maybe being single isn't so bad after all.
/rant off