Humans are social mammals. We are not meant to spend our lives alone. Yet 1/3 of the world's population spends more time single than in a meaningful relationship.

So my question is simply, why?

Are there really that many undesirable people in the world? Are we afraid to take a chance? I ask myself these questions from time to time with no real great answer.


Been a few years since i posted anything. Looks like i was going through some soul searching last time i blogged. I guess things have gone my way for the most part three last few years. I run the kitchen in a successful restaurant in town, i get to do something different every day, and i am compensated well for it.

I've been traveling to...
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I want to move. ASAP. Even if it's not far away, something would be better than nothing. I'm not sure if it's the weather, the same people day after day, or just a spark inside of me that just wants to do something new.

First step? Find a new job that I would actually like and enjoy without as much stress. I don't want an...
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Well, it's been quite a while. All I really do is work these days anyway. Took a trip over st. Patty's day to new orleans for a wedding. What a shitshow. I miss the south. Food, women, culture.. you name it.
You know, I really like going to weddings to see all my friends and family happy to find their love. Then I realize I've been single for 5 years and don't have anyone close to me like everyone else seems to.

Maybe my personality isn't that attractive after all.
Hmm, well I got an e-mail saying a friend reactivated my account for me. I'm not sure if it's a marketing ploy or if someone out there actually cares about what I'm doing. Either way I'm happy, would be better with the latter though!
Total marketing ploy, I recieved the same thing!! but hey a big "thank you" to my mystery "friend" smile
No kidding. Well, it never hurts to try anyway wink
Less than a week to go until Texas! I've been counting the days for a little over a week now. I work four more shifts at work before I leave.. I'm surprised I haven't started counting down the hours until my plane takes off.

All I ask for while I'm there are some good times with great people. I don't care about Christmas presents.

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Only two more weeks until I get to take my X-mas vacation! Flying into Dallas Christmas Eve morning to see my Dad who I haven't seen in over 2 years! It'll be great to see him again. I don't think I should go this long without visiting but my job doesn't really allow for a ton of vacation.

Now to get prepared for everything. Reserve...
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what`s up!! kiss
The weather outside is frightful
But the SAINTS are so delightful,
And the Redskins should already know....
12-N-0, 12-N-0, 12-N-0!

Better come prepared Redskins! The Saints are an unstoppable force this season. Hope your secondary is somewhat decent or you're going to look like fools. Oh, and don't forget about Pierre Thomas or you'll get screwed that way too. So glad my team is doing...
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Seriously though, I don't like the dentist. If I wanted my gums to bleed and be uncomfortable I'd do it myself. Oh and keep that nasty fluoride out of my mouth. No one likes it no matter how many different flavors you come up with. In the end it all tastes like shit. kthx.