So I went and canceled my debit card that went missing last week. Luckily no one had used it anywhere. I'm going to feel really dumb if I end up finding it and have to go through this whole process of resetting all my auto-payments and whatnot.

I'm already having a good week though! Only 40 hours this week instead of the normal 50. I...
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So bored with life. I need a change.. a new setting maybe? Maybe I just need a vacation from work. All I know is that I need something. Soon.

Oh, and CoD: MW2 is amazing. Bought it last night and played for a couple hours with friends. I suck vs. other people, but it's all about practice, right?

I'm still thinking Texas for Christmas.. it'd...
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Change is good.
I know all about it recently!
So.. my birthday is on Friday and I still don't have plans. I figure if I don't expect much, if nothing really happens then I'm not disappointed. Now if I plan this huge event and no one shows up, then my birthday fuckin blows. I think I'll just play it by ear and see what happens.

And... then there's Halloween the day after. Still no...
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I want to use some of my vacation days at work, but I have no idea where to go. I've been through Europe, been almost everywhere in the States. I'm kind of out of ideas.

Thoughts? Ideas? Opinions?

Feedback please!
I need to quit drinking. It leads to bad things happening. I work in 6 1/2 hours and i just got home from the bar. Plus I'm sick. Good decision? You decide.

p.s. I love girls with tattoos.
I'm getting really sick of work and the bullshit that goes with it.

My job wouldn't be half as bad as it is if it wasn't for certain people who don't act their fucking age. Last time I checked, when you turn 29 years old, you shouldn't be living at home or threatening to quit your job because you were sick last week and now...
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Blah blah blah. That's all I ever really say. Or maybe that's just what people hear.

One day people will remember who I am.
Well, I don't think I'm ready to settle down and have a girlfriend anymore. There's too much drama and shit to mess around with. All I want is to come home and relax after a long day at work.. and if I date someone my free time turns into 'together' time. I'm not into that.

Looks like it might be another lonely 4 years! Maybe...
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Well I give up on trying for any kind of relationship anymore. Every time I think something might lead to more than just a friend, they either turn out to be crazy or a soak. Sometimes both.

Is asking for a girl that doesn't drink more than half the week, doesn't expect me to be with her every minute I'm not at work, and just...
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I don't even know what to make of relationships anymore. Everything is so fucked.

On the positive side, I got to talk to an old friend from Louisiana today. Got to catch up a little bit and see how things were going in the southern end of the country. I miss crawfish. BRING ME SOME NOW! Freshly boiled and all.

Now I'm hungry. Damn it.
i don't know what to make of relationships anymore either.
maybe things are just easier without them?
Yeah, maybe so. Never seem to work out the way I want anyway. Yay
Well, had some interesting weather today. Few tornadoes were spotted a few miles out of town and the storm was headed straight for us. When I looked outside the first time it was almost black. Not a usual thing to happen at 7pm during the summer months.

And then we got our asses kicked when everyone decided to go out and eat some food and...
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Interesting days are nice. smile