"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned."
So this week I quit my job. I really really hated that job from the very pit of my stomach. It was one of those jobs which should have been a fantastic opportunity to develop and go places but ultimately turned out to be a stagnant pile of shit made worse by poor management and a really piss poor company. I have to say, I was really struggling with the idea of leaving because I'm the sort of person who likes to give things a fair crack and see if I can improve on them - not in this case. It was a job where I should have been in a fairly senior management position, in charge of my own case load and able to come and go as I please. However I often found MY job taking a back seat and filling in for everyone else. Now this actually isn't a problem to me per say, I don't mind pitching in, helping out and all the other little cliches that I can throw at you - what I do mind was finding out that I was being paid less than everyone else but doing three people's jobs! I was expected to run the branch when the manager wasn't there, I was expected to fill in for co-ordinators who weren't there and yet if I wasn't there no one could do my job as it was so specialised, so to find out that our 17 year old office assistant actually gets paid more than me really takes the piss.
When I confronted my so called 'manager' (whose management style is "delegation love") I told him that aside from breaching various working time directives, not providing me with a contract and generally taking the piss, I was also able to file for constructive dismissal on the grounds of bullying and sexual harrassment. That being said I now have a period of time to find myself a new job whilst still on full pay.
I have been actively seeking alternative employment and have in fact found some, but can't start for a couple of weeks, so in those couple of weeks I am going to reacquaint myself with some of my hobbies and passions, mostly World of Warcraft. Yes I'm a proper geek when it comes to this game, but I don't care, it doesn't consume my life and I do get out into the sunshine from time to time. I'm also going to tidy my house from top to bottom. Don't get me wrong, it's not a squalid hovel by any means, I'm just not happy with how it's all arranged so will move everything and clean as I go. I've also started playing football again which is great for me and my team mates as they've been short a goal keeper for months and I've really enjoyed it.
Ultimately, my point is that I know so many of you are stuck in shitty, dead end jobs which you hate with a passion and my advice is to leave, fuck them and move on. I have no doubt you could all be working elsewhere for more money and better conditions. What you have to look at is the argument of money over fulfilment. Sure we need money, but we need to be fulfilled in our job. If you're getting neither, you need to leave.
So this week I quit my job. I really really hated that job from the very pit of my stomach. It was one of those jobs which should have been a fantastic opportunity to develop and go places but ultimately turned out to be a stagnant pile of shit made worse by poor management and a really piss poor company. I have to say, I was really struggling with the idea of leaving because I'm the sort of person who likes to give things a fair crack and see if I can improve on them - not in this case. It was a job where I should have been in a fairly senior management position, in charge of my own case load and able to come and go as I please. However I often found MY job taking a back seat and filling in for everyone else. Now this actually isn't a problem to me per say, I don't mind pitching in, helping out and all the other little cliches that I can throw at you - what I do mind was finding out that I was being paid less than everyone else but doing three people's jobs! I was expected to run the branch when the manager wasn't there, I was expected to fill in for co-ordinators who weren't there and yet if I wasn't there no one could do my job as it was so specialised, so to find out that our 17 year old office assistant actually gets paid more than me really takes the piss.
When I confronted my so called 'manager' (whose management style is "delegation love") I told him that aside from breaching various working time directives, not providing me with a contract and generally taking the piss, I was also able to file for constructive dismissal on the grounds of bullying and sexual harrassment. That being said I now have a period of time to find myself a new job whilst still on full pay.
I have been actively seeking alternative employment and have in fact found some, but can't start for a couple of weeks, so in those couple of weeks I am going to reacquaint myself with some of my hobbies and passions, mostly World of Warcraft. Yes I'm a proper geek when it comes to this game, but I don't care, it doesn't consume my life and I do get out into the sunshine from time to time. I'm also going to tidy my house from top to bottom. Don't get me wrong, it's not a squalid hovel by any means, I'm just not happy with how it's all arranged so will move everything and clean as I go. I've also started playing football again which is great for me and my team mates as they've been short a goal keeper for months and I've really enjoyed it.
Ultimately, my point is that I know so many of you are stuck in shitty, dead end jobs which you hate with a passion and my advice is to leave, fuck them and move on. I have no doubt you could all be working elsewhere for more money and better conditions. What you have to look at is the argument of money over fulfilment. Sure we need money, but we need to be fulfilled in our job. If you're getting neither, you need to leave.