"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence...
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So I'm back from my vacation in the Scottish Highlands. I got exceptionally wet and saw some fascinating scenery as well as decided that I'm not a people person... well, that's not entirely true, I'm not a 'going to sit by nd have my days decided by other people' person. One thing I really hate is when people make decisions without including everyone's opinion and...
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Well then, it's been about 6 months since my last post and in that time a lot has changed! All of the problems cocnerning my health and internal bleeding have been resolved which is a really positive thing. I did however miss the trip to Japan in May, but again that's not too bad as I've been back to the gym, getting my fitness up...
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happpy bdaayy
Happy birthday smile
Wooo I'm back. So awesome to be here smile
So I've been in hopsital.... again.... this time it was due to a severe allergic reaction from some of the medication they gave me to help treat my last problem. Fortunately it's nothing too serious (though I nearly died) and have made a full recovery, but it does mean I'm shit out of luck as far as my fight in May and going to Japan....
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You haven't been updating lately. Hope all is well.

So as my last blog will attest to, I've been quite unwell over the last few days. To top it all off, I'm coming down with a cold. This in itself doesn't bother me a great deal, but it has meant that I've not been able to do a great deal of training for my fight in May and, even worse is that if this...
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I hate hospitals, I hate the NHS and I hate night shifts.

Last night I was admitted to A&E (ER for my neighbours over the ocean) because of internal bleeding. I had a similar problem about four weeks ago and at that time they said keep an eye on things and if it happens again come back to the hospital and we'll look at surgical...
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You need to take some time and care for yourself.....
I've always though of myself as a pretty decent guy who always tries to do the right thing without being selfish or inconsiderate towards others. Today I was so humbled to have had that verified to my by my peers and I shall tell you why they believe so. I've been seeing a girl for a few weeks now who I really like and who...
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Fucking playstations! For whatever reason I can't seem to connect either of my controllers to the console, even when using three different USB cables. I've read all of the guidelines and reset the controllers etc etc but nothing has worked. What has annoyed me more about this is that at the time, instead of getting an XBox 360 and a Blu-Ray player, I got the...
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That would drive me insane if I couldn't play a video game, I'm sorry you are having to go through that frown
Yeah, it was seriously blowing goats, though I have since managed to fix it which is a bonus! Thanks for the concern though smile