So as my last blog will attest to, I've been quite unwell over the last few days. To top it all off, I'm coming down with a cold. This in itself doesn't bother me a great deal, but it has meant that I've not been able to do a great deal of training for my fight in May and, even worse is that if this problem with the internal bleeding is what they think it is, I'll require surgery which means I won't be fighting at all... ever. Granted I'm not a professional fighter, my lifestyle or family don't depend on the money I make whilst I compete and although the money is a nice little extra, I would still do it without it. No, what bothers me is that martial arts and competing is something I love dearly and I am very passionate about it and so to be told I potentially can't ever do it again really sucks.
Not only that, but through martial arts I've met a lot of fantastic people and had the opportunity to go to some incredible places and I really hate the prospect of that being taken away from me. Sure, I could go into coaching, but I don't enjoy that as much. Prehaps my mentality towards that would change if I am told I have to stop, but my mentality has always been that for as long as you are physically capable of doing something, you should do it - or at least try. You may never be the best, you may never even be any good at all, but if it's something you enjoy, do it anyway.
So to all of you out there, I urge you to go and try something that you've always wanted to do, make the most of whatever opportunities come your way because as I have myself discovered, no matter how fit and healthy you are something can just come along, give you a swift kick in the nuts and change everything overnight. Do it, I implore you. Those opportunities don't always stick around forever and the only person stopping you from doing the things you want is you.
Not only that, but through martial arts I've met a lot of fantastic people and had the opportunity to go to some incredible places and I really hate the prospect of that being taken away from me. Sure, I could go into coaching, but I don't enjoy that as much. Prehaps my mentality towards that would change if I am told I have to stop, but my mentality has always been that for as long as you are physically capable of doing something, you should do it - or at least try. You may never be the best, you may never even be any good at all, but if it's something you enjoy, do it anyway.
So to all of you out there, I urge you to go and try something that you've always wanted to do, make the most of whatever opportunities come your way because as I have myself discovered, no matter how fit and healthy you are something can just come along, give you a swift kick in the nuts and change everything overnight. Do it, I implore you. Those opportunities don't always stick around forever and the only person stopping you from doing the things you want is you.