Well what the feck can I say. Lost my second job. That's 1/5 of my income gone! :( this is a double whammy really, I have spent the last five years paying off debts from a very unsuccessful marriage. I finally did it last feb. Life was starting to be good, I was by no means rich but had enoug money to do stuff with kids. Holidays. Days out money for diesel to go to beach etc. So now I am back were I was. My washing machine has packed up. My dealer has been busted, my crop has been burnt. My grinder is empty. 😞
On a positive note I went rugby tonight this evening, and am paint balling with the group I run tomorrow so... Life is not all bad. Still smoking had 4 doobs this evening. But stir fry and rice noodles and chicken for tea. So all in all it was on the healthier side of life.
Uni stiff has been posted. Second module of studying arriving soon. Happy Wednesday to ya all