I have been working my butt of at work...so much so Im starting to feel sick.....Time for a break.
I can't wait for monday....do you wanna know why little bunnies?????? Im off to St Tropez!!! yes yes I am. I had to let Scott down and cancel the Holland trip to see Pearl Jam. But if you were in my position which one would you...
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I can't wait for monday....do you wanna know why little bunnies?????? Im off to St Tropez!!! yes yes I am. I had to let Scott down and cancel the Holland trip to see Pearl Jam. But if you were in my position which one would you...
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I have been working my butt of at work...so much so Im starting to feel sick.....Time for a break.
I can't wait for monday....do you wanna why little bunnies?????? Im off to St Tropez!!! yes yes I am. I had to let Scott down and cancel the Holland trip to see Pearl Jam. But if you were in my position which one would you go...
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I can't wait for monday....do you wanna why little bunnies?????? Im off to St Tropez!!! yes yes I am. I had to let Scott down and cancel the Holland trip to see Pearl Jam. But if you were in my position which one would you go...
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Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!
There's nothing like ice cream! Glad you're having fun.
There's nothing like ice cream! Glad you're having fun.

Am I mistaken or have you not been around in a while?

wanna friend? hee hee .
hi ya ...i'm skottie phaust!
hi ya ...i'm skottie phaust!
gah! creme brulee is the best! *taptaptapcrack*
Thanks for the well wishes!
I don't know any complex dance steps, though I wish I did. :/
Thanks for the well wishes!
I don't know any complex dance steps, though I wish I did. :/
Ben and crouch
Thanks Ragi !!
Your so sweet, it is not that I am sad, more that I just feel frustrated. Life is sometimes 2 steps forward and then one step back. I didn't mean to sound so complaining, really just venting, it is annoying to see my 'peer group' so far behind me and I feel so totally alienated half the time, I had to grow up fast and while I dont regret a single day, life has really been wonderful in so many ways, I do feel saddened by the attitudes of the youth around me sometimes. Some ppl have no idea how good they have it. Believe me I do though, I did what you said yesterday, even before I read it, I spent the morning with a pot of tea and a sunny spot outside and focused in why life was good and the steps necc to correct this whole work situation. Hopefully by this time next month I will be down to just one job. The real problem is that I am a workaholic, and freak out if I am not working alot, but now I am starting to look at school as work, and it counts as a job. I am going to have to work for the grades this quarter, but like we say here in Guhgah, 'I ain't scired'. Thanks for being such a ray of sunshine !!
Your so sweet, it is not that I am sad, more that I just feel frustrated. Life is sometimes 2 steps forward and then one step back. I didn't mean to sound so complaining, really just venting, it is annoying to see my 'peer group' so far behind me and I feel so totally alienated half the time, I had to grow up fast and while I dont regret a single day, life has really been wonderful in so many ways, I do feel saddened by the attitudes of the youth around me sometimes. Some ppl have no idea how good they have it. Believe me I do though, I did what you said yesterday, even before I read it, I spent the morning with a pot of tea and a sunny spot outside and focused in why life was good and the steps necc to correct this whole work situation. Hopefully by this time next month I will be down to just one job. The real problem is that I am a workaholic, and freak out if I am not working alot, but now I am starting to look at school as work, and it counts as a job. I am going to have to work for the grades this quarter, but like we say here in Guhgah, 'I ain't scired'. Thanks for being such a ray of sunshine !!


I have finally come to a decision and it will be at the Ben and Crouch.
I tryed to post some pictures but it didnt work!!!!
I tryed to post some pictures but it didnt work!!!!
Its My birthday soon and I don't know what to do. I have a few bars in mind but Im like pre PMS and keep changing my mind. You know how crazy women get just befor they come on. Well I do any way....things like spend an hour changing a top and then wearing the original top that I had tried on. Thats how it...
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Hey, im gradually getting things cleaned up, still wet though

that pic is priceless !

I can't bare to look at that last blog anymore.
Mum has taken Haider back home and Dad has finally realized that he needs medical attention. hallalujeh! Give the man a fucking a round of appluase!
After sitting home all evening waiting for a response about whats happening with Haider I went out for a walk and met up with Mei-wah. We had tastey Pizza...
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Mum has taken Haider back home and Dad has finally realized that he needs medical attention. hallalujeh! Give the man a fucking a round of appluase!
After sitting home all evening waiting for a response about whats happening with Haider I went out for a walk and met up with Mei-wah. We had tastey Pizza...
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thank ye thank ye, ma minet...

Pixie Stix are possibly the most sugary substance the world has ever known...
A Pixy Stix is a Willy Wonka-brand powdered candy packaged in a wrapper not unlike that of a drinking straw. It is popular during Halloween. The sugar is usually orally ingested, though it has become popular to ingest it intranasally, mocking cocaine usage.

A Pixy Stix is a Willy Wonka-brand powdered candy packaged in a wrapper not unlike that of a drinking straw. It is popular during Halloween. The sugar is usually orally ingested, though it has become popular to ingest it intranasally, mocking cocaine usage.
Life has been rather sad for me lately. Im still trying to maintain a smile where I go but its hard.
My younger brother Haider has been kicked out of home because his behaviour has been getting out of hand and mum couldn't tolerate it any more.
My family dynamics is messed up. I left home when I was 18 because my dad is ...erm..not...
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My younger brother Haider has been kicked out of home because his behaviour has been getting out of hand and mum couldn't tolerate it any more.
My family dynamics is messed up. I left home when I was 18 because my dad is ...erm..not...
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It's not giving up on them thats the hardest part though...
Masters in applied computer science.
and yeah been to montreal before.I liked it.
and yeah been to montreal before.I liked it.
Hello munchkins
karate camp was amazing...mei-mei and mei-wah are now black belts. I couldn't believe that my friends from uni (Bola, Diana and their sister Ester) were at the camp and they all graded up to yellow belts. All graders looked awesome, they showed alot of strength and spirit. They inspired me to attended more karate lessons and to hopefully go for my brown belt...
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karate camp was amazing...mei-mei and mei-wah are now black belts. I couldn't believe that my friends from uni (Bola, Diana and their sister Ester) were at the camp and they all graded up to yellow belts. All graders looked awesome, they showed alot of strength and spirit. They inspired me to attended more karate lessons and to hopefully go for my brown belt...
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and same to you!!!

mainly was nervous about my younger brother finding out if i did it, and how he
would react.
also, i was not as confidant as i thought i was at the time.
basically, i was a pussy!
would react.
also, i was not as confidant as i thought i was at the time.
basically, i was a pussy!

I haved an amazing past 2 days. Yesterday was spent wth Mei-mei and if I ever were to go on a first date I wouldl like it to be just like how we spent it. We went to to a liitle cafe by the river and we were decideing which gallery we should go...so we started to wonder around and we came across these rocking...
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Remember, the trick to having authentic Canadian style hockey is to make sure theres lots of cross checking and at least one person needs to take a puck or ball to the teeth (a million cool points if the person is the goalie who is too macho to wear a mask and then goes on record as saying masks and pads are for 'pansies') Oh, and there needs to be lots of drinking and possible rioting (Although I think our hockey championship rioting pales to what I've seen of soccer hooliganery)
that's great that you're going to summer school. Sometimes that's so important, so I'm glad you made the right decision.
I finally got my wireless working again, so I will see you round chicky!
I finally got my wireless working again, so I will see you round chicky!

what do you do with scum kids that have nothing better to do with their lives then to piss other people off?
I was having a nice day...lounging around my pad today. I met Mei-mei to go and buy stuff for Mei-wah's B-day which is this Friday...I want to bake her B-day cake and make a mango creme brulee.
On our way home Mei-mei and...
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I was having a nice day...lounging around my pad today. I met Mei-mei to go and buy stuff for Mei-wah's B-day which is this Friday...I want to bake her B-day cake and make a mango creme brulee.
On our way home Mei-mei and...
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I was brought up to be very polite by my mother, who, like yourself, came from Baghdad.
That upbringing makes it very hard for me to understand the mentality of those kids and others like them. However I have been reading a lot about psycology and that does give me some clues.
As a child, I remember some builders working near to my home on a hot summers day. I imagined that they would be thirsty and I took them water to drink. They thought that I was doing it for money, but it was not done for that. Many years later, I saw my late mother take some water to some gardeners, again on a hot summers day. They were Iranian's and as my mother talked to them, I found out that there is a tradition in the MIddle East of giving people water.
Perhaps I gained my alltruistic streak from my mother? But imagine if you could make a person and control aspects of there personality with dials. Once the dials are set, they can't be easily changed.
Imagine if you turn the dial for alltuism up to 11, the highest setting. You might get a lady like Mother Terasa. Turn the dial to 1, and you get chav's, like the ones who bothered you.
Now imagine if you could turn other dials for things like being introverted/extroverted or for perception of other peoples thoughts and feelings. The combination of low alltruism, with high ego and low perception of other peoples needs would be bad for the people who have to suffer such an individual.
You can get an insight into your own personality through this test. I found it surprising how accurate it was for me, and there are only a small number of questions. It is based up the Myers Briggs model of personality, which has 16 personality types, made up of four characteristics.
Anyway, knowing this stuff on psycology does not make bad people more tolerable, but it does help to know why some people end up like that.
That upbringing makes it very hard for me to understand the mentality of those kids and others like them. However I have been reading a lot about psycology and that does give me some clues.
As a child, I remember some builders working near to my home on a hot summers day. I imagined that they would be thirsty and I took them water to drink. They thought that I was doing it for money, but it was not done for that. Many years later, I saw my late mother take some water to some gardeners, again on a hot summers day. They were Iranian's and as my mother talked to them, I found out that there is a tradition in the MIddle East of giving people water.
Perhaps I gained my alltruistic streak from my mother? But imagine if you could make a person and control aspects of there personality with dials. Once the dials are set, they can't be easily changed.
Imagine if you turn the dial for alltuism up to 11, the highest setting. You might get a lady like Mother Terasa. Turn the dial to 1, and you get chav's, like the ones who bothered you.
Now imagine if you could turn other dials for things like being introverted/extroverted or for perception of other peoples thoughts and feelings. The combination of low alltruism, with high ego and low perception of other peoples needs would be bad for the people who have to suffer such an individual.
You can get an insight into your own personality through this test. I found it surprising how accurate it was for me, and there are only a small number of questions. It is based up the Myers Briggs model of personality, which has 16 personality types, made up of four characteristics.
Anyway, knowing this stuff on psycology does not make bad people more tolerable, but it does help to know why some people end up like that.
I should visit london
PEARL JAM always