Today was one of the worst days ever at work. Somehow, everything I said was a miscommunication. One co-worker is majorly pissed at me and I didn't get to explain the misunderstanding to her before she left. I was in tears in one point--and talking to the head manager at the time. He expressed concern that I was overly stressed and getting yelled at and you know how it goes--you're fine being all stressed then someone is nice and concerned and you fall apart. Luckily, he just kept talking to me and telling me to breathe and be calm and that I was doing fine and could only do so much. Which was cool because I had previously thought he was one of those I don't care about you as a person only as an employee kind of managers. My tears only lasted about 45 seconds, just enough to get it out. Everyone who saw it thought he was yelling at me when it was actually the opposite. I'm glad my actual manager wasn't there though--that'd have been really embarassing.
Dustin's foot is fucked up. I wish I could afford to pay to take him to the walk in med clinic. It's all swollen and purple and he's limping around. Dancing injury from last night's bar excursion with the boys. It's mostly his toe though, so I'm not sure what the docs would even be able to do. Poor sweetie.
Hopefully, tomorrow will be fun. My old roomie is gonna be in town for two days and she is like a sister to me--one of the few girls I've ever met whom I trust. She knows my darkest deeds and has never judged me. I miss her being in town.
Between rent, bills and gas, I've spent about $500 dollars in the last 2 days. Meh.
Dustin's foot is fucked up. I wish I could afford to pay to take him to the walk in med clinic. It's all swollen and purple and he's limping around. Dancing injury from last night's bar excursion with the boys. It's mostly his toe though, so I'm not sure what the docs would even be able to do. Poor sweetie.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be fun. My old roomie is gonna be in town for two days and she is like a sister to me--one of the few girls I've ever met whom I trust. She knows my darkest deeds and has never judged me. I miss her being in town.
Between rent, bills and gas, I've spent about $500 dollars in the last 2 days. Meh.
You'r real boss?Than who was that you were crying to?I hope Dustin feels better!

hope work gets better, have fun with your sister-like friend and forget about work