So finally I woke up today and my throat isn't killing me. I can actually swallow without pain! I even broke down and went to the dr on Saturday only to be told its all allergies. I was given some Allegra D, which Mr. Dr claimed would give me a ton orf enenrgy so I might not want to take the nighttime dose. Um, what? All it seems to do is make me sleepy.
I work every day this week. Which is total BS as Tuesday is the day when I have NO AVAILABILITY, yet somehow I am scheduled. I'd complain but then they'd probably make me work Saturday and I don't wanna. Meh, what's a girl to do?
I made peanut butter pie last night. Its pretty yummy.
I also discovered the yumminess that is orange marmelade when we went to brunch yesterday (yeah, its brunch even at 3:30 pm if its the first meal of the day).
So I'm off to work. I'd be irritated that I have to work but its time and a half, so hey, how bad can it be? Plus holiday pay, which means that for my 8 hours of work, I get paid for something like 18 hours. I definitely need that after last week's two days off sick. Money is tight around here because we are still absorbing some of the moving costs, such as the higher first cable bill (because of installation) and getting on a different rent paying schedule. Dustin and I have both been a bit crabby about the fact that we work so much and have still been broke. But we talked about it and I think we're definitely on the up and up after this week is over.
I miss school. I want to go back but i don't know how to do it without racking up a bunch more debt and still ending up with a crappy job. I don't even know.
Happy Labor Day to you all. Hopefully, you are off having fun instead of working.
I work every day this week. Which is total BS as Tuesday is the day when I have NO AVAILABILITY, yet somehow I am scheduled. I'd complain but then they'd probably make me work Saturday and I don't wanna. Meh, what's a girl to do?
I made peanut butter pie last night. Its pretty yummy.
I also discovered the yumminess that is orange marmelade when we went to brunch yesterday (yeah, its brunch even at 3:30 pm if its the first meal of the day).
So I'm off to work. I'd be irritated that I have to work but its time and a half, so hey, how bad can it be? Plus holiday pay, which means that for my 8 hours of work, I get paid for something like 18 hours. I definitely need that after last week's two days off sick. Money is tight around here because we are still absorbing some of the moving costs, such as the higher first cable bill (because of installation) and getting on a different rent paying schedule. Dustin and I have both been a bit crabby about the fact that we work so much and have still been broke. But we talked about it and I think we're definitely on the up and up after this week is over.
I miss school. I want to go back but i don't know how to do it without racking up a bunch more debt and still ending up with a crappy job. I don't even know.
Happy Labor Day to you all. Hopefully, you are off having fun instead of working.

If I were you I would tell them you can't work on Tuesday. You shouldn't let them push you around and make you do things you don't or can't do.
And peanut butter pie sounds awesome!