What a crappy weekend! Had to work at 6:45 a.m. both days and it was hellish, especially Sunday. I came home, showered, went to a co-workers graduation party and came home and fell asleep til about 8:15. I was still dragging, but pulled on some clothes and went out for pizza.
Today will be my sixth day in a row of working. Last week, including holiday pay, I racked up 49-50 hours plus my supervisor premium. Can't wait to see that check! I again have 5 supervisor shifts this week, with Saturday also being me training a girl on how to be a spuervisor--and I've only been doing it for about a month. I guess that means I'm doing a good job?
I have tomorrow off and also Thursday, and Dustin gets out at 3 on Thursday, so we shall do some more apartment hunting and maybe have a lil fun too.
Today will be my sixth day in a row of working. Last week, including holiday pay, I racked up 49-50 hours plus my supervisor premium. Can't wait to see that check! I again have 5 supervisor shifts this week, with Saturday also being me training a girl on how to be a spuervisor--and I've only been doing it for about a month. I guess that means I'm doing a good job?
I have tomorrow off and also Thursday, and Dustin gets out at 3 on Thursday, so we shall do some more apartment hunting and maybe have a lil fun too.
Well hell - if you can get ahold of, say, that pro-wrestler The Rock, I certainly would not complain about having him follow me around on the occasions when I go into Hollywood at night
Now if you are ever able to get out here to visit and we do some shopping on Hollywood Blvd, then we might need a heavily muscled entourage. How cool would THAT be?? They can even haul around all our shopping bags
Hopefully next week goes more smoothly.
Thank you for the luck