I'm not all talk and no action. I hit up the Midnight Madness sale at my local piercing shop tonight and came out with a new rook and a nostril stud. I must be abnormal--the rook was a piece of cake, didn't hurt me. My nose, the piercing every freaking girl in this town has, hurt like a bitch.
Also, strangely enough, one of the guys at the shop recognized me from my job. That's pretty cool--I like the idea that I have a look people remember instead of just being another girl out there.
I have tomorrow off--YAY! Dustin wants to go shopping so we'll probably hit up the mall and get some of his artwork printed as well. The boy has made some killer creations--I'm the one with a graphic design class under my belt and he is the one making beautiful art. Go figure. He is even thinking of trying to sell his framed work. We have a few copies on our wall and his dad has several, as do his other relatives, since he made everyone framed prints for Christmas. I'm so proud of him--I could never do the kinds of things he does in photoshop. I have no patience for graphic design--I almost failed the class because I seemed to develop ADD as soon as I sat in front of that damn iMac. I usually ended up sneaking out of the class early because I could not stand being there. I can scrapbook for hours, or even sew--but computer generated art--definitely not my thing.
Ooh and we're going dancing tomorrow night. Dustin's old roommate has just returned from a year in Iceland and its a welcome back party followed by dancing at 80s night. I haven't been out dancing since last fall so I'm excited. My friends and I are hitting up Comedy Night again this Wednesday as well--last week was fun for all.
In other news, I found out that a coworker of mine who is graduating from high school this month looks up to me and thinks I'm pretty great. I also work with her mother, who told me this. The thing is, the girl is the ugly duckling, misfit, no one loves me type who has always been made fun of. I can see that she has a lot to offer that she just doesn't realize. She is very caring and sensitive and she notices things that a lot of people wouldn't. I told her mom this and I thought the woman was going to cry--she just smiled and whispered thank you. So now I am invited to her open house and was thinking of writing her a note in her card about how great of a person she is and how she doesn't seem to realize it--would that be weird or would it be a nice thing to do?
Also, strangely enough, one of the guys at the shop recognized me from my job. That's pretty cool--I like the idea that I have a look people remember instead of just being another girl out there.
I have tomorrow off--YAY! Dustin wants to go shopping so we'll probably hit up the mall and get some of his artwork printed as well. The boy has made some killer creations--I'm the one with a graphic design class under my belt and he is the one making beautiful art. Go figure. He is even thinking of trying to sell his framed work. We have a few copies on our wall and his dad has several, as do his other relatives, since he made everyone framed prints for Christmas. I'm so proud of him--I could never do the kinds of things he does in photoshop. I have no patience for graphic design--I almost failed the class because I seemed to develop ADD as soon as I sat in front of that damn iMac. I usually ended up sneaking out of the class early because I could not stand being there. I can scrapbook for hours, or even sew--but computer generated art--definitely not my thing.
Ooh and we're going dancing tomorrow night. Dustin's old roommate has just returned from a year in Iceland and its a welcome back party followed by dancing at 80s night. I haven't been out dancing since last fall so I'm excited. My friends and I are hitting up Comedy Night again this Wednesday as well--last week was fun for all.
In other news, I found out that a coworker of mine who is graduating from high school this month looks up to me and thinks I'm pretty great. I also work with her mother, who told me this. The thing is, the girl is the ugly duckling, misfit, no one loves me type who has always been made fun of. I can see that she has a lot to offer that she just doesn't realize. She is very caring and sensitive and she notices things that a lot of people wouldn't. I told her mom this and I thought the woman was going to cry--she just smiled and whispered thank you. So now I am invited to her open house and was thinking of writing her a note in her card about how great of a person she is and how she doesn't seem to realize it--would that be weird or would it be a nice thing to do?
hahaha thanks!
I thinks it's a good idea, I hope it helps her. How's the piercings? In regards to your answer about the meal. I don't know about you but anthing I do after getting tattooed is always more intense. Something about the pain.