Alrighty then. I'm kind of a sad muffin tonight. Here's the story--I went home today cuz my mom ordered me some new checks (she works at my bank and if she orders them, she gets a discount since her name is technically on my account). She had mentioned that there had been three kittens around the house lately and I said I'd capture them and take them to the shelter. I think all would've been good except--only one was there. So I took it home in a 12-pack box (red neck kitty carrier) and promptly fell in love with it. Convinced Dustin that we should keep it. Found out it would cost $80 that I do not have right now to get her tested for kitty diseases and checked out. Eeks. I was still scheming though. Took her in my apartment. All hell broke loose. Lucy turned into a freaking lion, hissing and going insane. I shut little kitty in the bathroom and gave Lucy the rest of the apartment. She didn't care, she knew it was here. Every time she saw me, she'd hiss. If I came closer than about 6 feet away from her, she'd lunge at me and try to claw me. Eventually, if I was sitting on the couch, she'd walk over and hiss directly at me and try to swipe at me. So all signs were pointing to this kitty could not stay with us.
So I dropped her at the shelter. They leave a door open and leave some empty cages set up with litter boxes--I'm sure there are night workers in there somewhere but no one came in when I was there. I put her in a cage and left a note explaining her story, then left. By the time I got back to my car, I was in tears. She looked so tiny and sad in that big cage and she was meowing. I know she's better off than if I left her outside at my parents place but I got attached to her so quickly and I feel like I abandoned her and let her down, even though I didn't get her with the intention of keeping her. I hope she ends up with a nice family who spoil her rotten. I'm sorry little kitty but I tried to give you a better life.
So I dropped her at the shelter. They leave a door open and leave some empty cages set up with litter boxes--I'm sure there are night workers in there somewhere but no one came in when I was there. I put her in a cage and left a note explaining her story, then left. By the time I got back to my car, I was in tears. She looked so tiny and sad in that big cage and she was meowing. I know she's better off than if I left her outside at my parents place but I got attached to her so quickly and I feel like I abandoned her and let her down, even though I didn't get her with the intention of keeping her. I hope she ends up with a nice family who spoil her rotten. I'm sorry little kitty but I tried to give you a better life.

It's a world in it's own.