So I was 20 minutes late to work this morning.
Here is why:
I went down stairs to go out and scrape my car. Before I got outside, I noticed a kitty hudled under the heater in our lobby area. She was all cuddled into a ball and when she saw me, she lifted her head. I said something to her and she peeked out, so I picked her up. She had a rhinestone collar on and was very lovey and friendly, so I knew she wasn't a stray. Plus, our doors are intercom controlled and locked at all times, so she couldn't have just wandered inside on our own. Unfortunately, she had no tags, so I didn't know who's door to knock on.
But of course, I couldn't leave the little cutie under the heater all day. I took her down to the office and they were a bit baffled as to what to do and where to keep her. They started calling everyone in our building, but no one was answering. So I carried the little furball back to my apartment and put her in Lucy's carrier so the office could keep her safe.
While she was in our apartment, I introduced her to the Lucycat. Lucy didn't know what to think--her eyes got all big and backed up a little bit. When I came back from dropping kitty off, Lucy was hating on me big time--shying away from being petted, hissing if I came within 6 feet of her. I tried to calm her a little and show her that she really was alone again. She let me pet her but kept hissing at me. I felt bad but I had to leave.
I came home tonight to a cuddly, purring Lucy and a sign on every door asking "are you missing your cat" followed by stern words to contain your pets inside your apartment. IF kitty wasn't claimed by 3:00, she was gonna be taken to the animal shelter.
I hope someone claimed her. She looked like a littler, slightly lighter colored Lucycat.
Here is why:
I went down stairs to go out and scrape my car. Before I got outside, I noticed a kitty hudled under the heater in our lobby area. She was all cuddled into a ball and when she saw me, she lifted her head. I said something to her and she peeked out, so I picked her up. She had a rhinestone collar on and was very lovey and friendly, so I knew she wasn't a stray. Plus, our doors are intercom controlled and locked at all times, so she couldn't have just wandered inside on our own. Unfortunately, she had no tags, so I didn't know who's door to knock on.
But of course, I couldn't leave the little cutie under the heater all day. I took her down to the office and they were a bit baffled as to what to do and where to keep her. They started calling everyone in our building, but no one was answering. So I carried the little furball back to my apartment and put her in Lucy's carrier so the office could keep her safe.
While she was in our apartment, I introduced her to the Lucycat. Lucy didn't know what to think--her eyes got all big and backed up a little bit. When I came back from dropping kitty off, Lucy was hating on me big time--shying away from being petted, hissing if I came within 6 feet of her. I tried to calm her a little and show her that she really was alone again. She let me pet her but kept hissing at me. I felt bad but I had to leave.
I came home tonight to a cuddly, purring Lucy and a sign on every door asking "are you missing your cat" followed by stern words to contain your pets inside your apartment. IF kitty wasn't claimed by 3:00, she was gonna be taken to the animal shelter.

I hope someone claimed her. She looked like a littler, slightly lighter colored Lucycat.

Poor kitty! I hope she got home ok.
That's sad....did you find the owner? Hope all is well with you..