My weekend off has been fabulous. I slept in really late yesterday, then just hung out with Dustin, browsed around a little bit. I then got all prettied up to work the door for The Vagina Monologues. If I may say so, I looked hot--black assymetrical corset style dress with a black long sleeve shirt over it, black tights under hot pink fishnets, knee high black boots and a hot pink and silver scarf tied around my head. I froze my ass off but I got to see the play for free and we got free drinks. It was not as good as the last performance I saw at MSU a couple of years ago, but it was still entertaining.
After the play, a few of us went to a local all night diner (I once got food poisoning from them
). I had peanut butter pie with hot fudge. Yum yum. And one the guys who used to work at the tattoo-piercing shop I go to was hosting/etc.
Today, Dustin and I had breakfast, as is our Sunday tradition if I'm not working. Then we went shopping. I bought a silver sequined belt, a shrug, and a beaded halter top.
We had fantastic mexican food for dinner--I had portabella and grilled veggie quesadillas. Whoever thought that things such as carrots and corn would be delicious in quesadillas? I'm still not eating meat (except for the occasional bit of turkey lunch meat), so I am discovering all kinds of yummy new things.
I only work three days this week--Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. I also get paid for Turkey day and I took 2 days off, paid. So basically, I get paid for 5 days and I'm only working three. My mom and I are gonna go shopping the day after Turkey day.
Turkey day will be spent at Dustin's dad's house. That man is a wizard in the kitchen. We are in charge of pies/desserts. And wine. I'm planning of making key lime pie, pumpkinpie or pumpkin cheesecake and one other dessert which I haven't decided yet. And we are trying some new wines as well. So if anyone has a recommendation for a good pinot noir or sauvignon blanc, let me know.
In other news, I almost made a girl at work cry on Friday. Normally, I'd feel terrible about that, but she was being useless and I told her she wasn't leaving til she did the job I had assigned her--it isn't fair that the others always have to pick up her slack.
And now I am off to workout after this weekend of delicious food and fun. Hope all of you had a great weekend too.
After the play, a few of us went to a local all night diner (I once got food poisoning from them

Today, Dustin and I had breakfast, as is our Sunday tradition if I'm not working. Then we went shopping. I bought a silver sequined belt, a shrug, and a beaded halter top.
We had fantastic mexican food for dinner--I had portabella and grilled veggie quesadillas. Whoever thought that things such as carrots and corn would be delicious in quesadillas? I'm still not eating meat (except for the occasional bit of turkey lunch meat), so I am discovering all kinds of yummy new things.
I only work three days this week--Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. I also get paid for Turkey day and I took 2 days off, paid. So basically, I get paid for 5 days and I'm only working three. My mom and I are gonna go shopping the day after Turkey day.
Turkey day will be spent at Dustin's dad's house. That man is a wizard in the kitchen. We are in charge of pies/desserts. And wine. I'm planning of making key lime pie, pumpkinpie or pumpkin cheesecake and one other dessert which I haven't decided yet. And we are trying some new wines as well. So if anyone has a recommendation for a good pinot noir or sauvignon blanc, let me know.
In other news, I almost made a girl at work cry on Friday. Normally, I'd feel terrible about that, but she was being useless and I told her she wasn't leaving til she did the job I had assigned her--it isn't fair that the others always have to pick up her slack.
And now I am off to workout after this weekend of delicious food and fun. Hope all of you had a great weekend too.

too bad the girl had to cry to get the point across but sometimes it has to happen..
sweet, 5 days paid and shopping the day after too!
Anyway, if you're getting into the no meat thing, I have a cookbook idea for you - Quick Vegetarian Pleasures. My resident vegatarian loves many of the recipies, and they're easy to make. We use it all the time. It is amazing how many foods you discover when you're not eating meat, isn't it?