Ouch. Eye exams/glasses/contacts are more expensive than I remember. Over $400 for everything.
But I do have brand new lenses in right now and they feel much better. I didn't cause any damage to my eyes by wearing my other ones for so long.
Every time I go to the eye dr, they talk to me about the laser surgery. Even if I had insurance that would cover that, I'm not so sure I'd do it. Its kind of freaky really. They laser your eyes.
The best thing about not eating meat is that I'm cooking a lot more. Much better than hitting Taco Bell or BK every night. Even Dustin is liking it. He gets his fix of greasy burgers at work and then comes home to my stir frys and baked pastas and stuff. I was getting sick of everything anyway.

But I do have brand new lenses in right now and they feel much better. I didn't cause any damage to my eyes by wearing my other ones for so long.
Every time I go to the eye dr, they talk to me about the laser surgery. Even if I had insurance that would cover that, I'm not so sure I'd do it. Its kind of freaky really. They laser your eyes.

The best thing about not eating meat is that I'm cooking a lot more. Much better than hitting Taco Bell or BK every night. Even Dustin is liking it. He gets his fix of greasy burgers at work and then comes home to my stir frys and baked pastas and stuff. I was getting sick of everything anyway.
i want to be able to shoot lazers out of my eyes not have lazers shot into mine...smelling your eyeballs burning doesnt sound like a spectacular time...
i hella want laser eye surgery..my cousin had it done and his vision is better than when he didnt need glasses