okay, Miel tagged me and how you all get 20 interesting facts about me. By the way, I've had way too much tequila tonight. That is your warning.
1. I started wearing glasses in 1st grade. I always thought they made me ugly and I got contacts in 5th grade.
2. I moved out of my parents house when I was 19 because my mom called me a slut. I had come home from one of the first dates I'd ever went on at 3:30 am and she didn't believe that I'd just been watching TV at his house (truth--okay, we made out but jeez).
3. In 9th grade, my best friend and I tried to plot a way to run away and get out of our small town,. We never made it past the planning stages. It was a fantasy I guess.
4. I didn't lose my virginity til I was 19. I don't regret it--the wait or the experience. He was my first serious boyfriend and we were together for over 3 years total.
5. Sometimes, I wanna go back to high school graduation and start over. Then I remember all the cool (and uncool, but educational) people I've met and I reconsider.
6. I was supposed to get a tattoo for my 15th birthday. I didn't get my first one til I was 23. Again, no regrets, although my choices at 15 were either a butterfly (overdone) or a shamrock (I still plan on getting one).
7. I met my boyfriend at a bar. A bar notorious for one night stands and underage co-eds. Just goes to show that you never fucking know.
8. MistressMissy was one of my first friends on here and the first person I met from this site. It was all because she had been online buddies with my boy for years--she's known him online longer than I've known him in real life.
9. I once drank an entire bottle of Robitussin. Do not try this at home.
10. I used to be a gymnast.
11. I have never smoked pot, despite dating one of the biggest stoners of all time. Its never held my interest.
12. I was best friends with the school slut. She treid to seduce my kinda boyfriend senior year and I found out later. We no longer speak, not because of this, but because of other factors.
13. My mom miscarried a child before me. I think that explains the over-protection I was expsoed to growing up.
14. I am the first person in my family to graduate from college.
15. One of the best ways to motivate me is to tell me I can't do something and make me think you think I'm hopeless. I love to prove people wrong.
16. I tend to not trust girls.
17. My dream job is to write for a magazine. I originally majored in English but changed that when I was told all I could do was teach with an English major.
18. I've always wanted to be in a band.
19. I injured my back/shoulder at work over a year ago and it will never be 100% again. I dream of a professional massage and ask for it for every holiday. It makes me feel old to have a backache most days.
20. I stopped tanning when I realized that both of my parents have had skin cancers removed in the span of a year. I must be at very high risk and I really don't want to be cut up by a plastic surgeon.
Edited to add: I tag FieldofDepth, Vixen, and MistressMissy.
1. I started wearing glasses in 1st grade. I always thought they made me ugly and I got contacts in 5th grade.
2. I moved out of my parents house when I was 19 because my mom called me a slut. I had come home from one of the first dates I'd ever went on at 3:30 am and she didn't believe that I'd just been watching TV at his house (truth--okay, we made out but jeez).
3. In 9th grade, my best friend and I tried to plot a way to run away and get out of our small town,. We never made it past the planning stages. It was a fantasy I guess.
4. I didn't lose my virginity til I was 19. I don't regret it--the wait or the experience. He was my first serious boyfriend and we were together for over 3 years total.
5. Sometimes, I wanna go back to high school graduation and start over. Then I remember all the cool (and uncool, but educational) people I've met and I reconsider.
6. I was supposed to get a tattoo for my 15th birthday. I didn't get my first one til I was 23. Again, no regrets, although my choices at 15 were either a butterfly (overdone) or a shamrock (I still plan on getting one).
7. I met my boyfriend at a bar. A bar notorious for one night stands and underage co-eds. Just goes to show that you never fucking know.
8. MistressMissy was one of my first friends on here and the first person I met from this site. It was all because she had been online buddies with my boy for years--she's known him online longer than I've known him in real life.
9. I once drank an entire bottle of Robitussin. Do not try this at home.
10. I used to be a gymnast.
11. I have never smoked pot, despite dating one of the biggest stoners of all time. Its never held my interest.
12. I was best friends with the school slut. She treid to seduce my kinda boyfriend senior year and I found out later. We no longer speak, not because of this, but because of other factors.
13. My mom miscarried a child before me. I think that explains the over-protection I was expsoed to growing up.
14. I am the first person in my family to graduate from college.
15. One of the best ways to motivate me is to tell me I can't do something and make me think you think I'm hopeless. I love to prove people wrong.
16. I tend to not trust girls.
17. My dream job is to write for a magazine. I originally majored in English but changed that when I was told all I could do was teach with an English major.
18. I've always wanted to be in a band.
19. I injured my back/shoulder at work over a year ago and it will never be 100% again. I dream of a professional massage and ask for it for every holiday. It makes me feel old to have a backache most days.
20. I stopped tanning when I realized that both of my parents have had skin cancers removed in the span of a year. I must be at very high risk and I really don't want to be cut up by a plastic surgeon.
Edited to add: I tag FieldofDepth, Vixen, and MistressMissy.
This reminds me of the movie the Highlander "there can be only one"
Ha ha ha!Well it sounds like there needs to be alot of people working there since you said it's a big store.How are you today?I think you need to just relax and try not to think about work so much even if you are there,thats been the way I have been dealing with it and I feel alot better and I hope you feel better as well

Thats great!I can remember when I was a kid and my mom took me to see movies like the mupets,teenage mutant ninja turtles and such
I'm shure he will have alot of fun doing that with you
Hmm maybe I will go see a movie today(by my self
).I hope you have a great day and have fun at the movies