So today was my starting day for the Dukan Diet- Phase 1:Attack..
Protein foods only. It wasn't hard. Gladly, I can still drink coffee!
I weighed and measured myself today. I expected the outcome, but still got mad at myself. But whatever. It's only going to get better from here on! The "attack" phase lasts between 2-7 days. I'm going to try and go the...
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Protein foods only. It wasn't hard. Gladly, I can still drink coffee!

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Although I'm very well aware that nobody really cares, let alone reads, my blog, I feel as though it's healthy for me. I'd like to have more online friends and acquaintances, but in the past I've been terrible in replying, and just really inconsistent when it comes to logging on. However, saying all that, I hope to be using this blog a whole lot more...
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Hello! We have 2 black lab mixes. We rescued both from the pound. We also have 2 cats... They came with the wife, though.
I would definitely recommend black labs... They're very smart, lovable, playful and friendly with other dogs.
I would definitely recommend black labs... They're very smart, lovable, playful and friendly with other dogs.
I read blogs Bek but often don't say anything unless its relevant to the blog itself
yay for being inconsistent

I miss SGland. I've been babysitting my youngest brother and sister all week, and there's been little chance for me time!
Ages since my last blog. I've been on here tinkering around, I've just been lazy.
No more dreads now. Got rid of them, and what a long and painful experience that was! The first time i dreaded my hair I had them for years, then just cut them. This time I should never have re-done them, and there was NOWAY I was cutting my hair...
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No more dreads now. Got rid of them, and what a long and painful experience that was! The first time i dreaded my hair I had them for years, then just cut them. This time I should never have re-done them, and there was NOWAY I was cutting my hair...
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Alice In Chains playing.
Incense burning.
Daggy clothes on.
Holy fuck... I have a Sunday off!
3 weeks of ridiculous working hours, horrible traffic, and store set up and I'm finally able to relax a little. I'm glad to be back on my favourite site, and even more glad to be enjoying sunshine and lounging about.
My new job is okay, I think it'll get...
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Incense burning.
Daggy clothes on.
Holy fuck... I have a Sunday off!
3 weeks of ridiculous working hours, horrible traffic, and store set up and I'm finally able to relax a little. I'm glad to be back on my favourite site, and even more glad to be enjoying sunshine and lounging about.
My new job is okay, I think it'll get...
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Thanks for the love and support on my set!
thanks for the add
i hope work slows down for you a bit and you get to relax

i hope work slows down for you a bit and you get to relax

Wow. What a week!!
On Monday I started my new job. I've had to work in Sydney all week, which is somewhat painful. I leave home at 7:30am and I don't get back till 8pm. I've had no gym time, gaming time, husband time. I come home, eat bad, easy to cook food and sleep. So tired. Well... until today. I slept for 12 hours...
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On Monday I started my new job. I've had to work in Sydney all week, which is somewhat painful. I leave home at 7:30am and I don't get back till 8pm. I've had no gym time, gaming time, husband time. I come home, eat bad, easy to cook food and sleep. So tired. Well... until today. I slept for 12 hours...
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Oh yeah, and what part of the music industry do you work in? My brother's doing a degree in audio engineering...
'ello becky!
I get my hair dreaded today!
That is all.

That is all.
I'm guessing this will look rather awesome 

Hahaha...How good is That 70's Show?! I don't own it on dvd, but every time there's a rerun, I lose it. Cracks me up every episode. I'm in love with Hyde.
So anyway, last week was my last day at my work, managing an awesome independent record and instrument store. I worked there for 7 years, but my bosses decided to sell up and call...
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So anyway, last week was my last day at my work, managing an awesome independent record and instrument store. I worked there for 7 years, but my bosses decided to sell up and call...
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And how cool is rare stuff!! I'm going to miss that. My interview is with JB Hi-Fi, so although it won't be the same, it could still be good! My fingers are crossed anyhow...
Thanks for the lovin' on my new set, lady!! 

Regardless of your opinions and thoughts about how someone lives their life, dying at age 27 is a tragedy. RIP Amy Winehouse. I'm sure we don't know the half of it...
Well put. Anybody who owns "Back to Black" or even "Frank" knows she was a very talented artist who had more to offer. But sadly her addictions took her away too soon.
And yes, Timothy Olyphant is definitely studly!