On the healthy lifestyle path again. 2012 was successful, I was able to keep off almost 50lbs, but this year is my year! I want to lose more and tone up lots. I'd love to be a runner. So we'll see... At the moment it's all about clean eating and exercising 5 days a weeks.
I'm going to the APIA international in Sydney on Sunday and Wednesday, seeing nightwish in Friday and weezer the following week, January is good!
Fairly certain nobody reads these blogs, but whatever eh?
Hope all on SG Is well!
My Instagram is @ragebeksmachine if any of you out there want to follow me!
I'm going to the APIA international in Sydney on Sunday and Wednesday, seeing nightwish in Friday and weezer the following week, January is good!
Fairly certain nobody reads these blogs, but whatever eh?
Hope all on SG Is well!
My Instagram is @ragebeksmachine if any of you out there want to follow me!

i wish you the best for the 2013 

I read and follow on instagram. I like your garage gym. Good job and keep it up. I'm happy for you.