Oh Hai!
This week has been a little frustrating! I only lost 2.6lbs this week. That's 21.8lbs for the month, just shy of 10kg. I really wanted 10kg's gone, but I only have myself to blame. Whilst I'm sticking to my diet very well, I keep talking about doing more exercise, but I don't actually do any extra. I only really get active on my two days off of work each week, every other day I'm tired and use that as an excuse. PLEASE REBECCA (me) STOP BEING A BITCH!
Anyhow, this month's goal is another 15lbs off at the very least! Should be good!
Last night I went and saw Battleship before it was done showing at the cinema. My husband has been trying to get me to go and see it for over a month, and for some reason I had zero interest. WELL! I'm glad he pushed me into it, because it was a fucken swell movie! P.s people, why am I always the one to laugh to most, AND the loudest in the cinema??? Lol I think I embarrass my husband a little 'cause I'm always giggling. Ah well..
But yeh, see it if you haven't, its really good.
I got my Howler tickets. They were cheap too! Always a good thing. I'm hoping to get my ass to more gigs. I used to go lots, seeing bands between 2-4 times a week. I guess responsibility often means less money to spend. Sucks.
I've been re-watching all my superhero blurays, Iron Man 2 is currently on in the background. What the fuck is the go with Mickey Rourke's face?! I know he's got a fighting past, and he's broken bones which ended with surgery and blah blah, but I'm a bit surprised it still moves as he speaks..
poor Mickey!
If anyone was wondering what Pennywise's new album was like, it's decent! Some really good, catchy punk tunes. I'm diggin' it!
Anyhow, enough rambling from me, I hope you're all well and enjoying the weather wherever you might be around the world! Follow me on instagram if you like, I just downloaded it finally. My user name is ragebeksmachine on there also!!

This week has been a little frustrating! I only lost 2.6lbs this week. That's 21.8lbs for the month, just shy of 10kg. I really wanted 10kg's gone, but I only have myself to blame. Whilst I'm sticking to my diet very well, I keep talking about doing more exercise, but I don't actually do any extra. I only really get active on my two days off of work each week, every other day I'm tired and use that as an excuse. PLEASE REBECCA (me) STOP BEING A BITCH!
Anyhow, this month's goal is another 15lbs off at the very least! Should be good!
Last night I went and saw Battleship before it was done showing at the cinema. My husband has been trying to get me to go and see it for over a month, and for some reason I had zero interest. WELL! I'm glad he pushed me into it, because it was a fucken swell movie! P.s people, why am I always the one to laugh to most, AND the loudest in the cinema??? Lol I think I embarrass my husband a little 'cause I'm always giggling. Ah well..
But yeh, see it if you haven't, its really good.
I got my Howler tickets. They were cheap too! Always a good thing. I'm hoping to get my ass to more gigs. I used to go lots, seeing bands between 2-4 times a week. I guess responsibility often means less money to spend. Sucks.
I've been re-watching all my superhero blurays, Iron Man 2 is currently on in the background. What the fuck is the go with Mickey Rourke's face?! I know he's got a fighting past, and he's broken bones which ended with surgery and blah blah, but I'm a bit surprised it still moves as he speaks..

If anyone was wondering what Pennywise's new album was like, it's decent! Some really good, catchy punk tunes. I'm diggin' it!
Anyhow, enough rambling from me, I hope you're all well and enjoying the weather wherever you might be around the world! Follow me on instagram if you like, I just downloaded it finally. My user name is ragebeksmachine on there also!!

Mum and I saw battleship yesterday and I was disappointed no one said "You sunk my battleship!" but "They're not going to sink this battleship" was close enough