son of a bitch i just lost my update i was typing. does this happen to anyone a lot? i'll be typing and just hit one odd button with my left hand and it's fucking gone. should i type this shit in word? jesus. so i was saying i am finally making some really good progress with my knee. i started walking with 1 crutch and going all the way around on the stationary bike. it's good to see an end in sight to my days back home, even though it has been nice for a while to be a sloth, catch up on movies and tv, and have my mommy cook for me and stuff. it's hard too because it's pretty isolating over here, and then there's the typical parent factor which can drive me crazy.
so here's some movie reviews for you even though these are mostly old. just my random thoughts so keep in mind i may give stuff away.
as you might have heard this was waaayy better than the last few batman movies. i really liked the bruce wayne anonymous actor guy. overall entertaining, with good acting, special effects and storyline. i liked how they explained the whole dressing up as a bat thing, which i'd never heard before. he had this traumatic experience as a child when he fell down a well and bunch of bats flew all around him and freaked him out. so when he gets recruited to this weird evid ninja school they ask him about his deepest fears and force them to the surface. in his combat training he confronts this fear, and later when he decides to be a superhero it makes the most sense for him as a disguise. there's this really cool scene where he enters this place with a shitload of bats and when they swarm all over him he just closes his eyes and is able to feel secure despite the major anxiety they'd caused him before. good flick.
this a beautiful romance story which i totally loved. it's a period piece, which i tend to like, set in the 40s. i guess i like period pieces becuase this one is sucking. rachel mcadams is adorable as this young girl from the south. she has this really mild southern accent, and i'm a sucker for that. so she's a little rich girl and she has this intense summer romance with a not so rich kid, and her parents shuttle her away all of the sudden when they realize how serious they are. then the evil mother bitch hides this letters that the poor kid sends to his girl every day and like 10 yrs go by. she's engaged to someone else when she sees him in the paper and they enter each other's lives again. so it's a love triangle with a somewhat predictable ending. sometimes these triangles don't end up like that though, you know with true love perservering and all. for instance john irving's cider house rules, or this other movie i just saw called closer, or my sorry ass story. anyway check out the notebook- great story, acting, cinemetography, and some nice hotness. i agree with the commentary, that it takes a little away from the power of the story they couldn't use the alternate love scene, heh. check it out!
this is a kinda old movie i caught on cable with michael douglas. pretty damn good action cop movie. he plays a bad boy cop who ends up in some fucked up shit in japan. black rain is the reference made to what fell from the sky after 'the bomb'. this was a lot better than i thought it would be... worth a rental.
this movie was pretty freaking weird. i knew it was a 'serious' movie, not the typical adam sandler flick but it seemed like one of those artsy independent films that didn't quite work for me. i mean adam sandler does crack me up no matter what he says, and it was some pretty funny shit that he does (calling up a porn chat just to talk to someone about his shit and stupidly giving them all this info so they could steal his money and kick his ass). then there's the love story part of it that i didn't buy at all, and i think that was the point of the movie. or maybe it was just about how his character was fucked up but for some inexplicable and completely unrealistic reason this woman falls in love with him. so i kinda enjoyed it, but wouldn't have if i wasn't just on my ass so much these days.
interesting and worth the 4 bucks, but kinda B movie. it's this switcharoo love story where the people people who were truly in love don't end up together, the one other girl finds herself enpowered and free, and the other dude is a pathetic fool who fucked everything up like 3 times. and you do feel kinda bad for him because you know what he had with this woman was real and what should have been, but then you think well shit what a dumbass.
So good stuff, and tv has been surprisingly good. alotta that seventies show, starting to watch the OC. caught ali vs. frazier III the other day, and this special on tyson where they showed like all his fights. he was a scary fuckin dude. true though what they say, he never showed the longevity for greatness in the ring or in his career. oh, and six feet under gets movie review because i watch dvds and it rocks.
i saw this awhile ago at a friend's house and thought yeah it's great but when the hell am i ever gonna have time to watch everything! so it goes
it's a pretty novel and well done series about a family who owned a small funeral home. the characters are all very different and there are too many interesting sub-plots to get into really. but the really great things about the show i think are the way it shows different people dealing with death, and how the show makes you think about mortality. the father had died at the outset of the series, and where i am now one of the 2 brothers who run the home has a potentially terminal disease. so i could write a betrr reveiw but i have to goto bed. too much for me.
so here's some movie reviews for you even though these are mostly old. just my random thoughts so keep in mind i may give stuff away.
as you might have heard this was waaayy better than the last few batman movies. i really liked the bruce wayne anonymous actor guy. overall entertaining, with good acting, special effects and storyline. i liked how they explained the whole dressing up as a bat thing, which i'd never heard before. he had this traumatic experience as a child when he fell down a well and bunch of bats flew all around him and freaked him out. so when he gets recruited to this weird evid ninja school they ask him about his deepest fears and force them to the surface. in his combat training he confronts this fear, and later when he decides to be a superhero it makes the most sense for him as a disguise. there's this really cool scene where he enters this place with a shitload of bats and when they swarm all over him he just closes his eyes and is able to feel secure despite the major anxiety they'd caused him before. good flick.
this a beautiful romance story which i totally loved. it's a period piece, which i tend to like, set in the 40s. i guess i like period pieces becuase this one is sucking. rachel mcadams is adorable as this young girl from the south. she has this really mild southern accent, and i'm a sucker for that. so she's a little rich girl and she has this intense summer romance with a not so rich kid, and her parents shuttle her away all of the sudden when they realize how serious they are. then the evil mother bitch hides this letters that the poor kid sends to his girl every day and like 10 yrs go by. she's engaged to someone else when she sees him in the paper and they enter each other's lives again. so it's a love triangle with a somewhat predictable ending. sometimes these triangles don't end up like that though, you know with true love perservering and all. for instance john irving's cider house rules, or this other movie i just saw called closer, or my sorry ass story. anyway check out the notebook- great story, acting, cinemetography, and some nice hotness. i agree with the commentary, that it takes a little away from the power of the story they couldn't use the alternate love scene, heh. check it out!
this is a kinda old movie i caught on cable with michael douglas. pretty damn good action cop movie. he plays a bad boy cop who ends up in some fucked up shit in japan. black rain is the reference made to what fell from the sky after 'the bomb'. this was a lot better than i thought it would be... worth a rental.
this movie was pretty freaking weird. i knew it was a 'serious' movie, not the typical adam sandler flick but it seemed like one of those artsy independent films that didn't quite work for me. i mean adam sandler does crack me up no matter what he says, and it was some pretty funny shit that he does (calling up a porn chat just to talk to someone about his shit and stupidly giving them all this info so they could steal his money and kick his ass). then there's the love story part of it that i didn't buy at all, and i think that was the point of the movie. or maybe it was just about how his character was fucked up but for some inexplicable and completely unrealistic reason this woman falls in love with him. so i kinda enjoyed it, but wouldn't have if i wasn't just on my ass so much these days.
interesting and worth the 4 bucks, but kinda B movie. it's this switcharoo love story where the people people who were truly in love don't end up together, the one other girl finds herself enpowered and free, and the other dude is a pathetic fool who fucked everything up like 3 times. and you do feel kinda bad for him because you know what he had with this woman was real and what should have been, but then you think well shit what a dumbass.
So good stuff, and tv has been surprisingly good. alotta that seventies show, starting to watch the OC. caught ali vs. frazier III the other day, and this special on tyson where they showed like all his fights. he was a scary fuckin dude. true though what they say, he never showed the longevity for greatness in the ring or in his career. oh, and six feet under gets movie review because i watch dvds and it rocks.
i saw this awhile ago at a friend's house and thought yeah it's great but when the hell am i ever gonna have time to watch everything! so it goes

so what to do about them? The parents. sigh. I try to avoid them but that gets awkward to.