Today's Tarot card:
Eight of Rods (reversed). "Guilt, jealousy, internal or domestic disputes."
OK, I'm clueless on that one... Byron and I have been getting along swimmingly, no fights or anything. I haven't been guilty or jealous over anything, as far as I know. Hmm....
Thanks for the commisseration re my car, you guys. Especially sweet were the offers to kill, maim and/or torture the perpetrators. Aw - you guys always know the right thing to say...
I liked Schleprock's idea the best!
The window's fixed, and we're parking the car in the back now (it's a tight squeeze, but it's manageable). I've always hated having to park on the street anyway; it's always felt like an open invitation. I'm starting to feel like that car is cursed now... Guess I'd better do a cleansing ritual. Couldn't hurt. Oh, and you know what else - the bastards DID take something: my car chimes. I had a mermaid and an ankh. They were all sparkly, so I guess the idiots thought they might be worth something. Not worth the $139 it cost to replace the window, fucktards!! Don't worry - you'll get yours. The universe has a BIG surprise in store for you...
Good class last night! So glad to finally get school under way. So I have Humanities 201 on Monday night and Women's Studies 101 on Tuesday night. HUM 201 is going to be about "Humanities and Technology: Exploring Origins," using the textbook "A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet." Should be good.
Community college is kinda strange for someone like me, I have to admit. It's kind of like "the high school after high school." Not that the curriculum or the teachers are inferior; I feel like I'm getting a quality education there. It's just that I'm so much older than most of my classmates, and I've kinda got the "fish out of water" syndrome. Oh well.
Hey, I exercised this morning! That's another thing I'm going to get back doing, and get serious about it. Don't worry, I will NOT become a stick figure. But with heart problems on both sides of the family, I need to take better care of myself. Yeah, we're all gonna die of something - I know that. But we DO have certain choices we can make, and I choose not to die of heart disease if I can possibly help it. So there.
Happy Autumn Equinox, everyone!
Eight of Rods (reversed). "Guilt, jealousy, internal or domestic disputes."

OK, I'm clueless on that one... Byron and I have been getting along swimmingly, no fights or anything. I haven't been guilty or jealous over anything, as far as I know. Hmm....
Thanks for the commisseration re my car, you guys. Especially sweet were the offers to kill, maim and/or torture the perpetrators. Aw - you guys always know the right thing to say...

The window's fixed, and we're parking the car in the back now (it's a tight squeeze, but it's manageable). I've always hated having to park on the street anyway; it's always felt like an open invitation. I'm starting to feel like that car is cursed now... Guess I'd better do a cleansing ritual. Couldn't hurt. Oh, and you know what else - the bastards DID take something: my car chimes. I had a mermaid and an ankh. They were all sparkly, so I guess the idiots thought they might be worth something. Not worth the $139 it cost to replace the window, fucktards!! Don't worry - you'll get yours. The universe has a BIG surprise in store for you...

Good class last night! So glad to finally get school under way. So I have Humanities 201 on Monday night and Women's Studies 101 on Tuesday night. HUM 201 is going to be about "Humanities and Technology: Exploring Origins," using the textbook "A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet." Should be good.
Community college is kinda strange for someone like me, I have to admit. It's kind of like "the high school after high school." Not that the curriculum or the teachers are inferior; I feel like I'm getting a quality education there. It's just that I'm so much older than most of my classmates, and I've kinda got the "fish out of water" syndrome. Oh well.
Hey, I exercised this morning! That's another thing I'm going to get back doing, and get serious about it. Don't worry, I will NOT become a stick figure. But with heart problems on both sides of the family, I need to take better care of myself. Yeah, we're all gonna die of something - I know that. But we DO have certain choices we can make, and I choose not to die of heart disease if I can possibly help it. So there.

Happy Autumn Equinox, everyone!

Thanks for the well wishes, I'm close to the 48 hour point and feeling better.
My lastest obsession is Morrigan tattoos.