Well Rocky went good last night, final count was about 72 people. Actors did a good job too. James did one of the best Franks I have seen on this cast. Although he did get into beating Riff to much. Floorwalkers were not bad either. Ryan had his first night at preshow, he stumbled fell, and is getting back on the horse next week. Amanda also did her first night floor walking, even if people were out yelling her, I am very proud of her for stepping up and trying. She did a fine job, I heard her once or twice which is pretty good for a floor walkers first night. Yeah, AND DAMON SHOWED UP!!!! It was much fun. So after the show went back to James' and drank like a fishie..... ahhhhhh Crown Royal is my friend. blah jessie was drinking Everclear... blah stuff taste like warmed over ASS!!!! Anyways yeah fell asleep and woke up that is about it.
OH yeah editing this in becuase it rocks major ass. I am listening to Liz Phair sing The banna splits theme song.

OH yeah editing this in becuase it rocks major ass. I am listening to Liz Phair sing The banna splits theme song.
I love HWC. Great Liz Phair song.